Manage your data feed


Your data feed contains the items you want to advertise from your catalogue. When you want to manage your data feed, go to Catalogue Manager and click the Feeds tab.

The Feeds tab shows the status of your data feeds (including any errors) and an overview of all items in a selected feed.


In the Overview section, you can enjoy a comprehensive look at the status of your data feed. You can see:

  • The number of items in your catalogue from the selected feed
  • A breakdown of items added to your feed when you update the data feed file for your feed
  • Any errors that appear in your data feed


In the Products section, you can view all products in the selected data feed. From here, you can:

  • Search for specific items in your data feed
  • View items based on different categories, such as availability, size or description
  • Sort items by title or price
* This may have a different label, depending on the inventory in your feed: Flights, Destinations, Hotels or Home listings.


In the Settings section, you can update various settings related to your data feed. From here, you can:

  • Change the name and currency of the selected data feed
  • Apply rules to some columns in the data feed to fix small errors
  • Add a schedule for the data feed (if you want to do scheduled uploads)
  • Perform a single upload of an updated file for your data feed
  • Delete the selected data feed

* Nguồn: Facebook