About URL parameters


URL parameters can help you understand the effectiveness of your ads. For example, you can use URL parameters to identify where your ad traffic is coming from and which ads helped drive a conversion. Insights from URL parameters can show which link people clicked to get to your ad's destination, such as to your website or Facebook Page. Bear in mind that although you can add URL parameters to your ads on Facebook, you'll need to use a website analytics tool to track the results.

You can add URL parameters to your Facebook ads during the ad creation workflow. URL parameters can be placed on ads that link to destinations off Facebook, such as your website, or on ads that promote existing Facebook posts. If you're adding URL parameters to an existing Facebook post and it links to a website URL off Facebook, your URL parameters will only apply to URL clicks on the ad and not on clicks that may happen if someone sees the post organically and clicks a link.

To add URL parameters to your ads on Facebook:

  1. Create a new ad campaign in Ads Manager or continue working on one saved as a draft.

    The following objectives are available for dynamic parameters:

    • Traffic
    • Reach
    • Video Views
    • Post Engagement
    • Lead Generation
    • Product catalogue sales: URL parameters field only, template URL field is not supported
    • Store visits: URL parameters field only, website URL field is not supported
    • Conversion
    • Conversions
    • Brand Awareness

    Note: mobile app install ads are not supported for dynamic parameters. Dynamic parameters will also not work with any mobile app deep links.

  2. After entering your information at the Campaign and Ad set levels, navigate to the Ad level to set your URL parameters.
  3. At the Ad level, click Build a URL parameter under Website URL.
  4. Note that you can also build a URL parameter in the Tracking section at the Ad level. You can add URL parameters in both the Website URL field (as part of the URL), as well as the URL parameters field. Any parameters added in the URL parameter field will be appended into what is in the Website URL field as long as they are not duplicates. Parameters in the URL parameter field will override the duplicate parameter in the Website URL field.

    For example, if you have two parameters, one named utm_source=1 in the website URL field and the other named utm_source=2 in the URL parameters field, only utm_source=2 will be in the final URL.

  5. Enter the parameters you want to track. Each parameter will include a key, ad-identifying information and the value you assign to that key. The key and value are connected using an equals (=) sign and you can add multiple URL parameters to your ad by separating them with an ampersand (&) symbol.

    For example, if you want to track an ad with a blue background, try adding "background=blue" in your parameter. The key is "background" and the value is "blue". This creates a unique URL for this specific ad. In this example, that URL would be "www.example.com?background=blue".

  6. When you've finished, click Apply. You'll see your URL parameter in the field.

URL dynamic parameters

You can input your own custom URL parameters or you can use the dynamic URL parameters we offer for your ads. The dynamic parameters are helpful because they provide an automated way to populate the values of your parameters based on information that you provide when setting up your ad and information related to how your ads are delivered.

We offer the following URL dynamic parameters to place on your ads:

  • ad_id={{ad.id}}
  • adset_id={{adset.id}}
  • campaign_id={{campaign.id}}
  • ad_name={{ad.name}}
  • adset_name={{adset.name}}
  • campaign_name={{campaign.name}}

Placement parameters are no longer supported.

Name-based parameters

Name-based parameters, such as ad.name, will be set to the campaign, ad set or ad name used when the ad was first published. Campaign, ad set or ad names can still be changed, but the parameters will refer to the original names. This means that URL parameter values that contain campaign, ad set or ad names can't be changed during the lifetime of that campaign, ad set or ad once it has been published. If you did want to change the parameter value, you'd have to create and publish a new campaign, ad set or ad.

For example, if you'd like to track campaign name and source, you would input the following parameters:


If your campaign name is Prospecting 2018 and the ad name is Holiday, the dynamic parameters would automatically pull in the appropriate values for these parameters. In this example, the URL would appear as utm_campaign=Prospecting%202018&utm_content=Holiday. You won't be able to change this parameter value once you've published the campaign.

The name-based dynamic parameter, in this case {{campaign.name}}, will be set to the campaign name that was used when the ad was first published. The campaign name itself can be changed, but the parameter value will still refer to the original name.

Dynamic parameter values

If you're using Google Analytics, you should input a UTM parameter for tracking. For example, if you'd like to see your ad's campaign name and ad name in Google Analytics, you would place the following parameters:


When you check your metrics in your website analytics tools, these values will have been dynamically filled in so that you can see which campaign and ad name generated traffic or conversions on your website.

* Nguồn: Facebook