Create a custom policy

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content ID matching system.

A policy is a set of rules that specify how a content owner wants YouTube to handle a claimed video. Learn more about policy and claim basics.

You can create custom policies for more control over your content. Custom policies allow you to customize where YouTube makes your content available or monetizes your content.

  1. Sign in to the content owner using the administrator Google account.
  2. From the Content ID section of the Dashboard, select Policies. You'll see a list of your custom policies and the default match and usage policy.
  3. Select New Policy.
    • If you already have a custom policy that's similar to the one you want to create, select that policy from the list, and select Duplicate from the Action drop-down list. This can save you time.
  4. Enter a name and description for the new policy. Use a name that summarizes the policy’s action and clearly distinguishes it from other policies, like "Monetize only in FR."
  5. Select the Additional rule drop-down and choose the action (Monetize, Block, Track, or Route for review).
  6. Set the conditions for the rule. Specify what action to apply to the claimed video. Each rule consists of an action and when the action should be applied. 
    • Select the +Add condition drop-down, then set the basis for the condition. If you're creating a policy to apply as a usage policy, the only valid option will be Viewer location. Learn more about usage policies and match policies. You can add multiple clauses to the condition. When a condition has multiple clauses, the rule applies only when all of the clauses are met.
    • Choose the comparison operator ("is great than," "is smaller than," etc) and enter or choose the value to compare it to.
    • You can also choose to schedule a time when the policy will change.
      • Click the Schedule change dropdown to select a policy (Monetize, Block, Track, or Route for review).
      • Enter the timing details for when that policy should apply in UTC or your local time.
  7. Click Save. You'll see the new policy on the Policies page and can apply it to your videos.

You can apply the same policy rules to many videos using custom policies. Whenever you make a change to a policy, the change is automatically applied to all the claims using that policy.

* Nguồn: Youtube