View and edit claim details

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content ID matching system.

From the Claims list page, you can view more details about a claim by clicking on the video title or anywhere on the row for that claim. This will bring up the claim detail page, where you can view more information, change policies, or take other actions on the selected claim.

Claim information

You can view information on the policy, history, and details of a claim in the right pane by navigating to the relevant area of interest. A digest of the information available in these tabs, such as applied policy and claim type, are shown above the tabs for each section.

  • Policy contains information about the owner policy and the applied policy on the video. To edit the owner policy, hover over the area and click the pencil/edit icon that appears, then select the desired policy and click Save.

  • History shows when and how the claim was made, as well as any subsequent updates to the claim status.

  • Details shows other information, such as Claim ID and syndication settings.

  • Other Claims indicates whether there are additional claims on that video from other assets.

Match information

Match information is shown in several areas of the interface. Vertical bars indicate the percentage of the video and the reference that match, while the time listed to the right indicates the length of match. Colored bars underneath the video and reference players also visualize where the match occurs, while Play match allows for playback of user video and reference at the match offset.

Claim actions

You can take actions on a claim from the claim detail page, including releasing, reinstating, issuing a takedown, and more depending on the context. In some cases, there are additional actions available from the dropdown arrow next to the blue buttons, for example Release & Exclude, which will release the claim as well as create a reference exclusion for the matching portion. For more information on reviewing pending claims and taking action, please see this article.

* Nguồn: Youtube