Create references

The features described in this article are available only to partners who use YouTube's Content ID matching system.

YouTube creates a reference when you enable a claimed video for Content ID.

To be eligible as a reference, a video must be uploaded to a channel that you own, and must consist of material for which you have exclusive rights.

To create a reference from a new or unclaimed video:

  1. Upload and claim a new video, or claim a previously uploaded video.


    You must set a usage policy and identify the asset type before continuing to the next step. Claiming the video creates the asset for the YouTube rights management system.

  2. On the Monetization tab, select the Enable Content ID matches check box.


    By selecting the box, you assert that you have exclusive rights to the material in the video. If the video includes content that you don't own, you'll need to exclude that content from consideration when determining matches.

  3. Select the Match policy to apply to user-generated videos that match this reference.

  4. Click Save changes.

To create references from multiple videos at once:

  1. In the Video Manager, select the videos you want to create references from.

    Click the check box next to the names of the videos. You can use filters or search to refine the list of videos.

  2. From the Actions drop-down list, choose Advanced > Content ID matching.

  3. Select the Enable radio button and select the Match policy to apply to user-generated videos that match these videos.

    When creating references in bulk, you must apply the same match policy to all of them.

  4. Click Submit.

To create a reference from a previously claimed video:

  1. From your list of Claims, choose the video to add as a reference.

    You can only create a reference from a video you uploaded and claimed, not from user-generated videos claimed with Content ID.

    The claims page shows details about the claimed video, including the applied usage policy.

  2. Click the Claim all matching videos check box at the bottom of the Policy tab.

    If the Claim all matching videos check box does not appear, it likely means that the video is not eligible as a reference.

  3. Click the check box to confirm that you have exclusive rights to the content of the video.

  4. From the drop-down list, select the match policy to apply to user-generated videos that match this reference.

  5. Click Save.


You can also create a reference by uploading a reference file directly using the Content and Rights Administration Feed or one of the bulk update spreadsheet templates.

* Nguồn: Youtube