Setting a budget and schedule for a split test


Selecting a budget:

Your split test should have a budget that will produce enough results to confidently determine a winning strategy. You can use the suggested budget that we provide if you're not sure about an ideal budget. We calculate the suggested budget by analysing successful split tests that have run in the past and that had settings similar to your test. We will also provide a minimum budget, and this is the lowest possible budget that you can select for your campaign.

Once you select a budget, the budget and audience will then be divided between the ad sets. You can choose to divide it evenly or weight one more than the other(s), depending on your preference.

Selecting a schedule:

We recommend 4-day tests for the most reliable results, and if you aren't sure about an ideal time frame, you can start with four days. In general, your test should run for at least three days and no longer than 14 days. Tests shorter than three days may produce inconclusive results and no winning ad sets, and tests longer than 14 days may not be an efficient use of budget since a test winner can usually be determined in 14 days or sooner.

For this reason, when creating a split test in Ads Manager, you must create a test with a schedule between three and 14 days. We recommend a test between three and 14 days for tests created in the API.

Learn more about split testing and how you can use split test to improve your ads' performance.

Create a split test

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