Advanced search (Filters)
When you search for videos and other content on YouTube, you can refine your search by using filters.
After typing your search query in the search box at the top of any YouTube page, click the Filters drop-down menu below the search box.
You can filter by the type of content (e.g. video, playlist, or movie). For example, if one cute cat video isn’t enough, you can find an entire playlist of cute cat videos by clicking Playlist under “Result Type” in the Filters drop-down menu.
Mobile app
How to filter searches on the YouTube iOS app
You can filter videos by upload date, view count, duration and more.
- Open the YouTube App.
- Tap Search
- Enter a search term.
- When the results appear, tap Filter
- Select the filters you want to add to your search like Upload Date, View Count, and Closed Captioned.
Mobile web
You can filter by Upload Date, and Category.
- Go to
- Tap Search
- Enter a search term.
- When the results appear, tap the drop-down menus by the search box.
* Nguồn: Youtube