Appeal the age restriction on your video


Our Community Guidelines describe what content is allowed and not allowed on YouTube. They are the rules of the road and every video must adhere to them. When videos violate these guidelines, we remove them. Some videos don't violate our policies, but may not be appropriate for all audiences. We age-restrict these. In deciding whether to age restrict content we consider issues such as violence, disturbing imagery, nudity, sexually suggestive content, and portrayal of dangerous or illegal activities.

When a video is age-restricted, a warning screen displays before the video plays. Only users 18 years of age or older can then proceed to view the material. In order to reduce the chances of users accidentally stumbling across these videos, they are not shown in certain sections of YouTube.

Appealing the Age Restriction on your Video

Users have the ability to appeal an age-restriction. If your video was age-restricted you can appeal it on your account Video Manager page by clicking on the “Appeals Link” next to your age-restricted video. The YouTube team will review your request and take further action if appropriate. Please note that you may only appeal the age restriction on your video once.

* Nguồn: Youtube