Run rewarded video ads for your mobile app


This guide will show you how to use the rewarded video ad placement for app ad campaigns that have video creative.

Getting started:

  • In Ads Manager, select either App Installs or Conversions as your campaign objective
  • At the Ad set level, make sure to include Audience Network and Rewarded video as placements. You can make sure you've opted into rewarded video by clicking to select the drop-down menu below Audience Network. If you see a blue tick mark next to the Rewarded video option in the drop-down menu, you're all set. If you select Automatic placements, this will happen automatically when you run an app installs campaign with video creative.

  • Make sure you have set up your app with the Facebook SDK, so you can accurately track and measure the performance of your ads.

Setting up a split test:

You can set up a split test to understand how Audience Network affects your campaign performance.

  • Make sure you have the Facebook SDK set up for your app. You'll need the SDK to do a split test.
  • Set up a split test with your placement type (rewarded video) as your variable.
  • View split test results for your campaigns in the ads reporting tool in Ads Manager.

* Nguồn: Facebook