How do I install the Facebook pixel with TagCommander?


If you're using TagCommander to manage tags for your website follow these steps.

Install the Facebook pixel base code

To install the Facebook pixel base code using TagCommander:

  1. Go to TagCommander
  2. Click Dashboard
  3. Click Add Container
  4. Enter the name of your container
  5. Choose what coding language the container supports
  6. Click Synchronization and/or Advanced to adjust those settings
  7. When you're finished, click Add
  8. On the new container's page, click Add Tag(s)
  9. In the "Search a Tag" bar, search for "Facebook"
  10. In the results, click the "Facebook – Custom Audience (BUILDER)" result
  11. Click Add Tag(s)
  12. On the tag's page, click the drop-down and select "Facebook pixel"
  13. Enter your Facebook ID
  14. Add an expiry date and rules as necessary
  15. Click Save.

Assign events

To assign Facebook pixel events using TagCommander, go to your Facebook tag and:

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Click Add Event.
  3. Enter the name of the event
  4. If you know the event's ID, enter it. If you don't, leave it blank and TagCommander will automatically generate one.
  5. Copy and paste the event's JavaScript code into the appropriate field. Learn more.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Repeat the steps above for as many events as you need to add.
  8. When you're finished, click Save on the tag page.

Check if your pixel is working

Once you've clicked Save at the top of the tag page, you should check if your pixel is firing correctly. To check that your pixel is working properly:

  1. Navigate to the web page that the pixel was placed on. If it's working, the pixel will send information back to Facebook and you'll be able to see activity on the Facebook pixel page in your Adverts Manager. Your pixel's status will also be set to Active. Bear in mind that the activity column reports all conversion events regardless of whether or not these events are associated with an advert.
  2. If it didn't work (No activity yet, No recent activity), use the Facebook Pixel Helper to troubleshoot the problem. Bear in mind that you have to be using the Chrome browser for it to work. Once the Pixel Helper has been installed, a small icon will appear next to your address bar. Navigate to your website in your Chrome browser and click the Pixel Helper icon.
  3. The pop-up will tell you which pixels were found on the page and whether they have loaded successfully. If not, it will give you tips on why it may have failed. Learn more.

You can now start running adverts on Facebook using conversion optimisation and tracking.

* Nguồn: Facebook