Connect your Eventbrite account to Facebook


Connect your Eventbrite account to Facebook to track website visits or other specific conversion events on your Eventbrite pages. Follow the steps below to add your Facebook pixel to Eventbrite.

  1. Log in to your Eventbrite account and go to your Manage page.
  2. Click Tracking pixels and then select your Eventbrite event.
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  1. Click Facebook pixel.
  2. Select whether you want the pixel to track this Eventbrite event (including all dates and times of this specific event) or all of the events in your Eventbrite account.
  3. Paste your pixel ID in the Facebook pixel ID section.
  4. By default, the Purchase standard event will be tracked when an order is confirmed and the value and currency will be passed through. To track additional standard events, click Add standard event and select the placements and website actions you want to track.
  5. Click Save.

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Learn more about the benefits of using Facebook pixel.

* Nguồn: Facebook