Understanding your Page Insights


Building your online and mobile presence, communicating with customers and encouraging people to complete an action are goals that most businesses have in common. Using Page Insights can help you understand more about the audience engaging with your content and which content in particular resonates most with them.

Accessing your Page's Insights

Go to your Page and look for the Insights tab near the top. Learn more about viewing Page Insights.

Once you've navigated to your Page's Insights tab, you'll get access to data about your Page, how it's performing and the people who are interacting with it. Bear in mind that Page Insights are most useful for Pages that have at least 100 fans.

Page likes

View the Likes section in your insights to see how many likes you're generating each day. Anyone interested in your Page can like it. When a person likes your Page, they'll be eligible to see updates from your Page in their News Feed. Page likes can add credibility to your Page and provide social proof. Page likes also come in handy if you intend to start advertising. You can run ads targeted to your Page's followers or create Lookalike Audiences based on people who already like your Page.


View the Reach section in your insights to see the breakdown between paid and organic reach amongst your audience. You'll also see how many people have liked, commented or shared any of your content, letting you know which content is generating positive engagement. Alternatively, you'll also see who is hiding or reporting your content, which can help you understand if any of your content is negatively impacting your results.

Page views

View the Page views section in your insights to see the number of times your Page was viewed. If you see that your Page views aren't showing much movement, it's a good indicator that you need to post more or generate more conversation with your followers. You'll also be able to take a look at external referrers, which tell you the number of times that people came to your Page from a website off Facebook.


View the Posts section in your insights to see information on all of the posts that you've published to your Page. You'll be able to see the types of posts that you've created and which ones generate the most reach. For example, you may find that posts with videos tend to have more reach than posts with images. You'll also see engagement metrics that can help you understand the types of posts that generate the most likes, shares etc. You can also see when your followers are most active online. Knowing this information is helpful for you when you decide to start scheduling posts to run at certain times.

Post insights also display the success of each of your posts, broken down by average reach and engagement. In addition, when you look at Top posts from Pages you watch, you'll see what posts are working best from your competitors.


View the People section in your insights to see information related to your Page's fans, followers and the people who interact with your content. You'll see information such as age, gender, location and the language that people interacting with your Page use. When you're thinking about content that you'd like to add to your Page, consider the data provided in this section and how you can use it to better target the people you care about most.

More on using Page Insights

Page Insights are most valuable when you have an active Page. You don't have to run ads to see new insights, but you should be posting often so that you drive engagement and learn more about the people engaging with your Page. Whether you're posting photos or running a new ad, the insights provided on your Page can help you make well-informed future decisions about the posts and ads that best help you reach your audience and goals.

What to look for first:

  • Demographics: Understand which groups of people most enjoy the content on your Page. Does your content fare better with a younger or older demographic? Do more women than men like your Page? Are you seeing more people on the East coast sharing your posts more often than people in the South?
  • Positive engagement: Learn which posts people love to like. The more likes, shares and comments you see on a post, the more confidently you can produce content that helps you drive engagement.
  • Negative engagement: You'll want to know if people who see your posts are hiding or reporting them as spam. If too many people report or hide your posts, it may negatively impact your reach.
  • Time of posts: Know when your followers have time to engage your business. Sometimes an audience is more active in the evening or at weekends.
What to do next:

  • Update your target audience: If you've found that more women than men are coming to your Page, you might consider creating posts with content that's more focussed on women. If you're running ads, try targeting your ads to just women as opposed to men and women.
  • Use what people like: Take note of the posts that perform particularly well. What is the common thread among the content that your audience likes? Whether it's a video or catchy text, make sure that you create more of the same for your future posts.
  • Edit content that isn't working: When people hide or report your posts or ads, there might be something offensive or non-meaningful to them. Identify ads that have awkward imagery, too much text or confusing messages. It's a good idea to make sure that your posts are also actionable. If you're creating ads, try adding a call-to-action button to engage with and drive your audience to take action. Learn how to add a call-to-action button to your next ad.
  • Schedule your next post: To stay organised and proactive, set your next post to publish when your audience is most likely to be online and ready to engage. This way, you can make sure that your post is live at the right time, even if you're away from your computer. Learn how to schedule a post.

* Nguồn: Facebook