Instant Experience templates


Instant Experience (IX) templates can be built in minutes, with minimal, and in some cases, no creative.

Instant Storefront

Previously "sell products": Grid layout template

Create a mobile shopping experience using your catalogue or photos and details about your products. Optimised for sales, the template targets the most interested audiences with your products. Use the categories feature to organise your products.

Instant Lookbook

Previously "sell products": Lifestyle layout template

Let people explore your products in action by featuring them in lifestyle images and using product tagging. Use the tabs feature to organise your products.

Instant Form

Previously "lead ad form" template

Use a form to collect contact information and build a list of prospective customers.

Instant Customer Acquisition

Previously "get new customers" template

Encourage new customers to discover your brand and products with a mobile landing page that encourages action. This template takes interested people directly from IX to your signup, subscription or purchase page and works best with fewer components (photos, text, videos), a concise message and a strong call to action.

Instant Storytelling

Previously "showcase your business" template

Give people an engaging way to explore your brand, product or service and build brand awareness.

* Nguồn: Facebook