About Custom Audiences from your website

Before you begin, make sure your Facebook pixel is active.

The basics

This section contains the basics of setting up a website Custom Audience. In the next section, we'll provide in-depth explanations of the rule sections and rules available.

To create a website Custom Audience:

  1. Go to your Audiences.
  2. If you already have audiences, click the Create Audience drop-down menu and select Custom Audience.

    If you don't have any audiences, you'll see audience creation buttons, rather than drop-down menus. Click Create a Custom Audience.
  3. Choose a pixel.
  4. Set a rule section. (You have to start with an inclusive one.) There are standard rules and pixel event rules. Add rules to the section as desired.
  5. Add more inclusive or exclusive rule sections as desired. You can have up to five total rule sections per audience.
  6. Give your audience a name (and description, if desired).
  7. Click Create Audience.
  8. When we've finished creating your audience, select it during ad set creation to reach the people in it with ads.

Rules sections

Note: For each rules section, you can tell us to go back a certain number of days to find people who've engaged with your Page in a certain way and include/exclude them in/from your audience. Here's an example of how that works that applies to whatever specific rule you've chosen:

If you tell us to go back 30 days and a person messaged your Page 29 days ago, they'll be a part of that rule (whether that means they're included or excluded from the final audience). However, if they fail to click a call-to-action button on your Page again in the next day, they'll then be removed from it. Anyone new who clicks a call within the time period you choose will be added to the rule (and included/excluded from the audience as appropriate). This means that the audience is constantly being refreshed, so you don't need to edit or create a new audience of this type unless you want to change the time period or other rules.

Standard rules

These rules are available for every website Custom Audience:

All website visitors

This rule includes or excludes everyone who visits the website(s) your pixel is installed on. It can be modified by the number of days you want us to go back to add visitors (up to 180).

People who have visited specific web pages

This rule includes or excludes people who visit specific pages on your website. It can be modified by the number of days you want us to go back to add visitors (up to 180) and with URL rules. The available URL rules are:

  • Contains. Here's an example of how you could use this: If you sell clothes on your website and want to create an audience of people who have looked at summer clothes, you could have it be made up of people who visited URLs that contain "summer". This would include URLs such as "aspers.com/clothes/summer/dresses" and "jaspers.com/clothes/summer/shirts", but wouldn't include URLs such as "jaspers.com/returns" or "jaspers.com/clothes/winter/sweaters".
  • Doesn't contain. Here's an example of how you could use this: If you sell tables, chairs and drawers on your website and want to target people who have visited your tables and chairs pages, you could create an audience made up of people who visited URLs on your website that don't contain "drawers". This means people who visited URLs such as "jaspers.com/drawers/large/oak" wouldn't be included/excluded. But people who have visited any other pages (the chairs and tables ones) would be.
  • Equals. Here's an example of how you could use this: If you want to target ads to people who have visited a specific web page (maybe one that indicates strong intent to purchase such as the confirmation page for signing up for product update emails), you could create an audience of people who have visited that specific URL. In this example, you could enter a full URL such as "jaspers.com/newsletter/signup/complete".

    Note: You must enter a full, exact URL from your website to use Equals.
You can also combine different URLs using OR and AND conditions. If you add multiple URLs to the field, we'll add people to your audience who have visited any of those URLs. After you've added at least one URL, you can click +And Also to create another URL field. If you use multiple fields, a person will have to have visited at least one URL in each field to be included in your audience.

You can further refine any of these URL rules sections by clicking Further refine by and adding:

  • A Frequency rule, which lets you specify a number of times that someone should visit your website for inclusion/exclusion.
  • A Device rule, which lets you specify what type of device someone has to visit your website on for inclusion/exclusion.

Visitors by time spent

This rule includes/excludes the people who have spent the most time on your website. It can be modified by what percentile of the people who have spent the most time on your website you want to include and the number of days you want us to go back to add visitors (up to 180). This rule can be further modified by narrowing time spent to a specific URL. An example of how to use this is if you have multiple domains, but only want to include visitors who have spent the most time on one of them.

Pixel event rules

You can also add rules associated with your pixel's events. Aside from the rules derived from the standard pixel events, there are also rules derived from custom events (that vary from advertiser to advertiser). Regardless of what events you have, however, they can all be modified by the number of days you want us to go back to add visitors (up to 180). You can also further refine any of these rules by clicking Refine by (and then Further refine by, to add additional refinements) and adding:

  • A URL/Parameter, which includes/excludes people who visit specific pages on your website. It has the same options as those detailed in the "People who have viewed specific web pages" section of this article. Parameters let you refine your audience with aggregated values (e.g. Purchases of at least $50).
  • A Frequency rule, which lets you specify a number of times that someone should visit your website for inclusion/exclusion.
  • A Device rule, which lets you specify what type of device someone has to visit your website on for inclusion/exclusion.

Combining rules

You can combine up to five rule sections (at least one must include people in the audience, the rest can be inclusive or exclusive). You can add up to five filters to each event. Each event can have up to ten parameters.

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