About product recommendations in dynamic ads
With dynamic ads, you can retarget people who have taken an action on your website or app, or use broad audience targeting to reach people who may not have visited your website or app before. Your ads then show relevant products from your catalogue to people when they visit Facebook, Instagram, the Audience Network or Messenger. These are called product recommendations.

Dynamic ads show relevant product recommendations to people so that they take action from your ad. When you optimise your ads for a specific goal (such as link clicks or conversions), Facebook chooses products from your catalogue that generate the best outcome for you. For example, if you optimise for conversions, Facebook shows products expected to drive conversions.
Some examples of products that influence recommendations include:
- The products a person viewed on your website or in your app
- The popular products in your catalogue
- Products your audience or people similar to them interacted with on Facebook and around the web
While you can't choose the order or type of products that appear in dynamic ads, you can improve the product recommendations in your ad by bearing these tips in mind:
- Check for errors in your Facebook pixel and product feed. If your pixel and product feed aren't set up correctly, your ads may not show relevant product recommendations.
- Avoid out-of-stock products. Update your product feed so that your dynamic ads contain products that are currently in stock.
- Use a large product set. The larger your product set is, the more Facebook can do to pick the best amongst them for your audience. Products outside the selected product set for your dynamic ad won't be used in recommendations.
- Optimise on purchase and registration events. Product recommendations are optimised based on the goal you've specified. You may see better results when you optimise on lower-funnel events, such as Purchase and Registration, rather than View content or Add to basket.
* Nguồn: Facebook