Find Facebook ad account and ad ID numbers


When you advertise on Facebook, your ad accounts and your ads are given unique ID numbers. These ID numbers can be useful when you want to add an ad account to Business Manager or search for a specific campaign, ad set or ad. You can find your:

  • Ad account ID number in the Account drop-down menu in Ads Manager
  • Campaign, ad set and ad ID number by customising your columns in Ads Manager
  • Ad account ID number in your browser's address bar in Ads Manager
  • Campaign, ad set and ad ID number in your browser's address bar in Ads Manager

Find your ad account ID (Account drop-down menu)

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Click the Account drop-down menu. You should now see the ID number for your ad account.

Find your campaign, ad set or ad ID (customise columns)

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Click the Columns drop-down menu and choose Customise Columns.
  3. In the Customise Columns window, click Settings.
  4. Click to tick the boxes next to Campaign ID, Ad set ID or Ad ID.
  5. Tip: To save your selections as a preset, click to tick the box next to Save as preset and give your preset a name. The next time you click the Columns drop-down, you will be able to choose that preset to see the ID numbers for your campaigns, ad sets or ads. Learn more about customising your columns.

  6. Click Apply. You should now see your campaign, ad set or ad ID in the Ads Manager table.

Find your ad account ID in the address bar

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Find the number in your browser's address bar. If you have trouble locating your ad account ID in the address bar, look for act= in the URL.

Find your campaign, ad set or ad ID in the address bar

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Click on the campaign, ad set or ad you want to open.
  3. Find the number in your browser's address bar. If you have trouble locating your campaign, ad set or ad ID in the address bar, look for selected_campaign_ids, selected_adset_ids or selected_ad_ids in the URL.
Manage your ads

* Nguồn: Facebook