Connect your OpenCart account to Facebook


Set up your OpenCart account to share your website events with Facebook in order gain more insights about how users are interacting with your business. By passing more events to Facebook, you can optimise the targeting and delivery of your Facebook ads to drive more business outcomes.

To get started, go to the OpenCart page in Events Manager and follow our guided instructions that help you select the pixel you want to use and configure the Facebook Ads extension in your account. You can also follow the instructions below.

Download the Facebook ads extension

Click Download for a .zip file that you'll install in your OpenCart account.

This integration is supported for OpenCart versions to


Install plugin

  1. Log in to your OpenCart account, click Extensions and select Installer.
  2. Click Upload and select
  3. Click Continue.

* Nguồn: Facebook


  1. Click Extensions and select Modifications.
  2. Click the Refresh button.

* Nguồn: Facebook

Select settings

  1. Click Facebook ads extension and select Facebook ads extension.
  2. Click Get Started to follow the instructions in your OpenCart account. Make sure that you come back to this page to complete your setup.

* Nguồn: Facebook

Find new potential customers with a conversions ad

Create a campaign using the Conversions objective to attract new shoppers to your website. You can create audiences that look similar to people who have taken actions that you care about (such as making a purchase) and find new potential customers.

Create a product set

Your product set should contain the products that you want to promote. It could be something like "Items for New Year" or "All pink products" or just "All products". If you don't have a pixel or app event, you'll see instructions for creating one.

Choose your campaign preferences
  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Click Create Ad.
  3. Select Conversions as your marketing objective.
  4. Type in a campaign name and click Continue.
  5. Choose the website or app that you want to promote and select a conversion pixel or app event.

    Tip: We recommend choosing an event that happens at least 100 times every day. For example, if you usually make three online sales a day from your website, then we'd recommend picking an event such as Add to Basket or View Content instead of


  6. Select your audience, placement, budget and schedule. Then click Continue.
  7. Choose Conversions under Optimisation of Delivery.
  8. Select your conversion window. Your conversion window should be based on how long it usually takes for someone to complete a valuable action (or conversion) after seeing your ad.
  9. Select Automatic as your bid amount to let Facebook optimise bids for your campaign, or you can choose Manual to set your own target cost per result.
  10. Type in a name for your ad set.
  11. Click Continue.
Create your conversions ad

Once you've chosen your campaign preferences (such as budget, audience, placement and scheduling) then it's time to create your ad. Follow the steps below to get started:

  1. Choose the carousel format to showcase multiple products in a single ad.
  2. Connect a Facebook Page and Instagram account for your business if you have one.
  3. Select Automatically fill ad creative using a template.
  4. Select Automatically fill ad creative using a template if you'd like Facebook to create your ad using products from your catalogue or website and optimise for performance. Otherwise, you can select Manually choose your ad creative if you have specific product images that you'd like to use for your ad.
  5. Select Fill template dynamically from a product set.
  6. Click ... to choose your catalogue and product set manually. You can also use the catalogue and product set that are selected by default.
  7. Type in your headline and link description. These fields are pre-populated to show your product name and product price by default.
  8. Choose a call to action, such as Shop Now.

Scale your ad creation with dynamic ads

If you're an e-commerce business that sells many products, and you'd like to reach people who have already visited your website, then dynamic ads may be right for you.

Once you upload your products to Facebook, you can use dynamic ads to:

  • Scale your ads creation
    Create ads that are relevant to specific groups of people without having to manually set up each individual ad.
  • Find new potential customers
    Keep reaching new people who have visited your website after you set up your campaign.

Create your first dynamic ad

Once you've finished setting up, you can start creating dynamic ads by going to your Ads Manager or by selecting Create Ad on the Facebook for WooCommerce page.

  1. From Ads Manager, click Create Ad.
  2. Select Promote a catalogue.
  3. Select a catalogue, then click Continue.
  4. Select an existing product set or create a new one.
  5. Select your audience, placement, budget and schedule. Then click Continue.
    Note: For best practices on targeting the right audience for you, see Facebook's dynamic ads best practices.
  6. Select your format, Facebook Page and Instagram account if you have one linked.
  7. Enter your ad's text by typing directly, or use the + to select dynamic elements such as price.
  8. Add a call-to-action button.
  9. Preview your ad on the right-hand side. When you're ready, click Place Order.

Frequently asked questions

What should I do if I already have the Facebook pixel installed on my OpenCart website?

If you've already installed the Facebook pixel and are running Facebook dynamic ads, you don't have to use the Facebook Ads extension in OpenCart.

If you've set up the Facebook pixel but not dynamic ads, or you think that you may have set up the Facebook pixel incorrectly, you should use the Facebook Ads extension to get everything set up. Bear in mind that you'll have to manually remove your existing Facebook pixel code from your website before starting, otherwise you'll have two versions of your pixel on your website.

Having two versions of the Facebook pixel can lead to:

  • Campaign results doubling (e.g. twice the number of actual conversions)
  • Cost per result being halved in your reports

If you remove your existing pixel and start again with the OpenCart plugin, we recommend pausing your active campaigns first and re-installing straight away. This way, you'll minimise any impact on your website Custom Audiences and conversion counts.

Why can't I see the Facebook Ads extension if I've installed the OpenCart plugin?

To see the Facebook Ads extension module, you'll need to refresh the page to see the Facebook Ads extension in your OpenCart admin panel. To do this, first select Extensions and click Modifications. Then click Refresh.

I see an error that says, "We're unable to proceed since the selected page has already been configured for the Facebook Ads extension."

If you see this error, it means that your Page is associated with another store. You'll need to decide whether you want to keep the Facebook Page associated with the current OpenCart store, or associate it with a different store. Here's how you can change your Page's association:

  1. Select Remove connection with {page name}.
  2. Click OK.
  3. You can now select your Page from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Next and continue with the normal installation process.
Will Facebook dynamic ads stay up to date with my stock changes?

Yes, we'll sync with your OpenCart site every day at the same time as when you first synced your products.

How many catalogues can I use with this setup?

You can only use one catalogue.

I also want to reach people who have not visited my website or app. What should I do?

You can drive new potential customers to visit your website, or to take a specific action, by creating an ad campaign using the Website Conversions objective. Learn more about how to optimise your ad sets for conversions.

My advertiser pays a third party to manage their OpenCart site, what should I do?

That's fine. Just make sure that the third party is added as an administrator to the advertiser's Facebook Page and ad account.

* Nguồn: Facebook