About interactive video ads


If you're running TrueView video ads to reach your ideal audience and increase awareness, you can use interactive features to drive more engagement with your audience.

Adding interactive elements can create opportunities for viewers to engage with your brand on a deeper level, beyond watching and enjoying your video ad. Making your video ads interactive can also help you tailor your ads to better achieve specific advertising goals, such as driving app installs, product purchases, or visits to your website.

Here are some ways to make your video ads interactive:

Goal Interactive feature Where to create it
Increase engagement with your video ad or brand


  • Showcase the features of a product or service within a video.
  • Promote other videos or playlists to generate follow-on engagement for your channel.

End screens

  • You can manually create an end screen on YouTube videos to encourage further engagement with your brand.
Drive visits to your website


  • Encourage viewers to click through to your website via enhanced click targets
Google Ads
Encourage viewers to buy your products

Shopping cards

  • Show listings with product details from your linked Merchant Center account.
  • Connect viewers to products they’ve already viewed or that are related to the video they’re watching.
Google Ads - TrueView for shopping campaign
Drive visits to your website and increase conversions

TrueView for action campaigns

  • Show a call-to-action overlay or a headline text overlay to drive clicks to your site.

Auto end screens

  • Show an automatically-generated screen at the end of your video ad that encourages viewers to take an action, such as installing an app.
Google Ads -
TrueView for mobile app installs campaign


TrueView video ads are billed on a cost-per-view (CPV) basis, which means you pay when a viewer watches 30 seconds of your video (or the duration if it's shorter than 30 seconds) or engages in other video interactions, such as clicks on call-to-action overlays (CTAs), card teasers or icons, or companion banners.

Note: Some interactive features may not be supported across all devices and platforms, for example the YouTube mobile site (m.youtube.com) doesn't support all features on mobile.

Here’s more information about each interactive feature:


Cards are created in YouTube and show on a per-video basis, on both desktops and mobile devices. You can provide a final URL from a list of eligible sites and, depending on the card type, customize an image, title, and call-to-action text.

A teaser is shown at the designated time for a few seconds, and viewers who click it can then access the card directly. At any other point in the video, viewers will see an icon appear when they hover over the player on desktops or whenever the player controls show on mobile devices. Viewers can also click the icon to browse all of the cards present on the video.

Learn how to set up cards for your videos in YouTube.


A Call-to-Action (CTA) encourages viewers to click through to your website. A CTA can appear as an overlay on video or as additional click-target along-side your video ad. You can set-up a Call-to-Action by clicking the Call-to-Action checkbox during TrueView ad creation. The call-to-action can be customized to specific use cases, like “Get a quote,” “Book now” or “Sign up”. A CTA clicks through to your final URL.

TrueView for action campaigns in Google Ads

TrueView for action is a new format & bid optimization designed to drive lower funnel actions, such as website clicks and conversions. The TrueView for action format includes a tailored and enhanced call-to-action for website clicks and conversions that runs consistently on mobile (as the companion in portrait mode & as CTA in landscape mode) and desktop (companion banner). The call-to-action can be customized to specific use cases, like “Get a quote,” “Book now” or “Sign up”. Learn more about setting up TrueView for action campaigns in Google Ads

Shopping cards

TrueView for shopping campaigns use shopping cards to make video ads interactive by linking viewers directly to products they’ve already viewed or to products related to the video they’re watching. They are created in Google Ads and run on in-stream TrueView ads only. The product images and details are generated by information from a linked Google Merchant Center account.

A teaser with the name of a product will show for a few seconds, and viewers who click it can see the shopping card. At any other point in the video, viewers can click an icon to browse the shopping cards. Up to 6 shopping cards can appear on your video ad, depending on the number of products eligible from your feed.

  • Note: When shopping cards are added to a video ad, they will replace any other cards or call-to-action overlays created for that video in YouTube.

How shopping cards work

Shopping cards use your Merchant Center product data and can be personalized using either remarketing information or other audience signals. Additionally, you can tailor the products that can show on shopping cards by using the product filter.

If you're familiar with dynamic remarketing for Display ads, shopping cards use the same information to dynamically generate cards based on items visitors previously viewed on your site. If you don’t have dynamic remarketing set up in Google Ads, you can create custom filters based on attributes from your product data, including brand, product type, Google Ads label and ads grouping.

End screens

There are two types of end screens: auto end screens, which are generated in Google Ads and run only on your video ads, and YouTube end screens, which are created in YouTube. Auto end screens are automatically-generated screens that appear for a few seconds at the end of your video ad to show details about your product or service. YouTube end screens are setup by the video creator in YouTube and show on organic and ad views of your video.

YouTube end screens

In YouTube, you can make custom end screens to add to the end of your videos with Creator Studio from your Google account. Your video has to be at least 25 seconds long to have an end screen. You can use them to build viewership and:

  • Point viewers to other videos, playlists, or channels on YouTube
  • Call for subscriptions to your channel
  • Promote your website, merchandise, and crowdfunding campaigns

Learn more about adding end screens to videos in YouTube

Auto end screens

Auto end screens help drive ad performance with your audience by providing information that encourages viewers to take an action, such as installing your mobile app or buying your products. In Google Ads, auto end screens are automatically generated using information from your campaign. For example, in a mobile app installs campaign, the end screen will show certain details about your app, such as the name and price, along with a link to install the app.

Learn more about auto end screens for video ads

Note: When Auto end screens are enabled, YouTube end screens won’t appear.

Advertising policies for interactive features

All interactive features used for your TrueView video ads, such as CTA overlays, end screens, and cards, must adhere to the Google Ads policies.

* Nguồn: Youtube