Submit CNPJ or CPF tax information


If you want to pay for Facebook ads with Boleto Bancário, you'll first have to add CNPJ or CPF tax information to your ad account.

Bear in mind that if you've just recently acquired your CNPJ or CPF number, you may have to wait at least 24 hours before adding it to your account. If you try to add your CNPJ or CPF information and get an error even though you know your information is correct, please try these steps again later.

Steps to submit CNPJ or CPF tax information

  1. Go to your Ad account settings in Ads Manager. You may be asked to re-enter your password.
  2. Under Account information, enter your CNPJ or CPF information.
  3. Note: If you choose to add your CPF number, you'll have to provide additional business details.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Your tax information will be saved to your ad account.

* Nguồn: Facebook