About the Ad Gallery


The Ad gallery, formerly known as the display ad builder, is an ad-creation tool that offers various display ad formats in different categories, such as image ads, dynamic ads, Lightbox ads, and video ads, in any of your campaigns on the Google Display Network.

Here are some benefits of using the Ad gallery:

  • Differentiated products and services
  • More effective campaigns
  • No-cost ad templates
  • Customizable ad styles
  • Industry-standard ad templates

Differentiated products and services

Using images of your products, colors that match your brand, and your logo can help people who see your display ads make a more qualified decision about whether to click them. For example, potential customers can interact with your ads, such as scroll between images and tabs, and watch videos. This is flexible functionality not available with text ads. With the Ad gallery's rich collection of ad templates, you can create ads for your Display Network campaigns by clicking the + AD menu, pointing to Image ad, and then clicking Create an ad. If you want to upload an ad that you already created offline, just click the +AD menu, point to Image ad, and then click Upload an ad.

More effective campaigns

By using the Ad gallery to create Display Network ads, you can help drive higher click-through rates and overall conversion volume on the Google Display Network. Your display ad will appear exclusively in an ad slot, with animations and visual effects that aren't possible with text. Once your display ads are running, you can easily change their appearance and adjust aspects of your campaign to help improve performance.

No-cost ad templates

In just a few minutes, you can have an ad created and running, allowing you to test various messages, color schemes, and images, at no cost. With this information, you'll be able to make a more informed investment in complex custom creatives and traditional display buys.

Customizable ad styles

Traditional display ads require you to hire a design firm or divert your current design team resources from other sales and marketing projects for your business. You can create a custom ad in as many sizes and variations as you like, and you'll pay only for ad clicks or impressions on sites across Google's Display Network. What's more, your design team is freed up for other projects. Or, if you don't have design resources, you can do it yourself.

Industry-standard ad templates

All ads have a clear call-to-action (CTA) button and 2 to 4 lines of prominently displayed text. Ads created with the Ad gallery are available in most of the standard IAB ad sizes. Your ads can appear as product showcases, galleries, and industry-specific ads.

* Nguồn: Google