Set up cross-sell or upsell campaigns for dynamic ads


With dynamic ads, you can cross-sell or upsell between product categories to increase your average order value or lifetime value of your existing customers. When you cross-sell or upsell products with dynamic ads, Facebook automatically selects relevant items from the product set that you choose to show in ads. For example, if customers on your website or app frequently purchase baseball bats and baseball gloves together, Facebook learns to cross-sell gloves whenever a bat is sold.

In this article:

About cross-selling and upselling

  • Cross-selling: When someone purchases an item from one product set of items, you can cross-sell related items from another product set. For example, you can choose to suggest luxury handbags to people who have recently purchased luxury shoes. This is useful for increasing the lifetime value of a customer, as they may be out of the purse market immediately after making a purchase, but could still be interested in shoes from the same brand.
  • Upselling: Upselling is used to encourage a customer to move from considering one item within a product category to another that would have higher profitability (for example, high-selling products). For example, if a customer views a name-brand handbag, you could instead show related handbags from a brand that has a higher profit margin.

Before you begin

You'll need to create two product sets within your campaign before you can cross-sell or upsell products. One product set should be used for retargeting and the other product set should be used to determine the products that are included. For example, you could select a product set called "Running watches for greater than £50" for retargeting, and then show a product set called "Running watches for less than £50" to people if you know the running watches lead to more sales.

Set up a cross-sell or upsell campaign

  1. Go to ad creation.
  2. At the campaign level, choose Catalogue Sales as your objective, then choose the catalogue that you want to promote.
  3. At the ad set level, select the product set that you want to show in the Products section.
  4. Scroll to the Audience section, and then choose either Upsell products or Cross-sell products.
  5. Add a look-back window for product views.
  6. Select the product set being used for retargeting.
  7. Finish creating your dynamic ad.

Cross-selling and upselling tips

  • Start by setting up a cross-sell campaign to reach people who have recently purchased with relevant items from your entire catalogue.
  • Add upsell and cross-sell campaigns alongside your existing dynamic product ads to extend the reach of your campaigns and get more chances to reach people with relevant ads.
  • Optimise your cross-sell and upsell campaigns by creating carefully crafted product sets. Think: What intent do people have when browsing my products? How much value does each sale have to my business? What items are complementary to cross-sell after they make a purchase?

* Nguồn: Facebook