Using deep links in mobile app ads


You can send people directly to a specific destination within your app when they click on your mobile app ad.

There are two ways to do this:

  • Deep links:

    Deep links are embedded within your mobile app ad and will take people who have already downloaded your app directly to the information they're interested in within the app when they click on your ad. You can use deep links to re-engage people who have already downloaded your app by using them with your mobile app engagement ads. You don't need to have integrated the Facebook SDK with your app in order to run mobile app engagement ads with deep links, but setting up deep links and measuring your results is easier and more efficient with the SDK.

  • Deferred deep links:

    Deferred deep links are embedded within your mobile app ad and will take people who have not yet downloaded your app to the app store where they can download it, and will send them directly to the information they're interested in within the app when they download and open your app for the first time. Deferred deep links are used for mobile app install ads, so you'll need to integrate the Facebook SDK with your app in order to run app install ads that use deferred deep links.

For example, if you're trying to get people to engage with your entertainment app by running ads for a new show or game offered on that app, you can use deep links to send people directly to that new show or game within the app when they click on the ad. This reduces the number of steps people have to take to get to the specific products you're promoting within an app.

If you're trying to get people to download your e-commerce app for the first time by running mobile app install ads that show a specific item you are selling on the app or a particular item you have on sale, you can use a deferred deep link to send people first to the app store where they can download your app and then directly to that specific retail item when they launch the app for the first time. You'll need to integrate the Facebook SDK to do this.

Learn how to set up and use deep links.

Learn how to integrate the Facebook SDK.

* Nguồn: Facebook