Create ads that run in Stories on Instagram


Ads on Instagram Stories now support all feed photo and video dimensions (from 1.91:1 to 4:5). Instagram Stories ads also support carousel ads with up to three cards or pieces of media (photo or video). By default, a photo will display for 5 seconds and a video for up to 15 seconds. Carousel ads for stories requires 9:16 creative and must be run in a standalone campaign. Learn more about carousel ads in Instagram Stories.

You can use Ads Manager, Creative Hub or the API to run ads on Instagram Stories.

Create an ad

If you are creating ads using Ads Manager, choose one of the following objectives to run an Instagram Stories ad:

  • Brand Awareness
  • Reach
  • Video Views
  • Conversions
  • App Installs
  • Lead Generation
  • Traffic

For these objectives, Instagram Stories is included in Automatic placements, the default option in the Placements section. You can also toggle Edit placements to select or deselect Instagram Stories (and other placements).

You can also create an Instagram Stories mockup that you can share with others before publication by using Creative Hub and publish it later.

Preview an ad

Ad previews are gradually being rolled out for Instagram Stories and may not be available to everyone yet.

To preview your Instagram Stories ad in the Instagram app, click and select Story ad: Send notification to Instagram in the "Ad preview" section within Ads Manager. You'll receive a push notification on Instagram that says "Your ad is ready to preview." Tap the notification to preview your story ad directly on Instagram. You have to have an Instagram account linked to the ad to see the preview.

Please note that you can't view a preview for your Instagram Stories ad if you're using lead generation, placement asset customisation or ads with political content.


Ads that run on Stories in Instagram use the same targeting and measurement tools as ads that run on Facebook. You can capture audiences who have seen ads in their stories and target them on Facebook or Instagram feed. You can also run stories ads targeted at audiences that have seen your ad on Facebook or Instagram feed. Learn more about advertising on Instagram.

Create an Instagram Stories ad in Creative Hub

Create an Instagram Stories carousel ad in Creative Hub

* Nguồn: Facebook