Understanding the performance of your reach campaign


The Facebook Reach objective is designed to show your ads to as many people as possible in your audience.

Using reach and frequency metrics, you can understand how many people saw your ads and how often. Using cost per 1,000 people reached, you can understand what it costs to show people your ads, which is the number of people who saw your ads at least once.

Get started

You'll need to select the campaign, ad set or ad that you want to report on. Click Filters > Objective > Reach to see all your reach campaigns. You can also click on a specific campaign to view details on the campaign's ad set or ad.

  1. Go to Ads Manager and choose a date range that you want to report on.
  2. Select Columns: Delivery on the top right of the results table.
  3. You'll see how many people saw your ads at least once in the Reach column. In the example below, it's 63,593 people.
  4. You'll see how many times people saw your ads on average in the Frequency column. In the example below, it's 1.68 times.
  5. You'll see the total amount spent, divided by reach, multiplied by 1,000, in the Cost per 1,000 people reached column. In the example below, it's USD 2.33.

Understanding results

You can use your reach metrics to determine how much of your target audience saw your ads.

  • What percentage of your audience did you want to reach?
  • Did you have a small audience where you wanted everyone to see your ad? Were you trying to reach a proportion of a larger audience?
  • What percentage did you reach?
You can use your frequency metrics to determine whether you think people saw your ads often enough for your message to make an impact. How many times would you like people to see your ads? Are they aware of your brand or product already?

  • If your audience is aware of your brand or product already, you most likely won't have to show them your ads frequently.
  • If your audience is new to your brand or product, you will probably need to show them your ads more often.
Learn more about reach and frequency and its impact on your campaign.

Calculating the percentage reached of your target audience

Once you know the number of people reached, you can use this number and your potential reach to calculate the percentage of people reached in your target audience. For example, let's say that your campaign reached 23,000 people and your potential reach was 370,000 people. The number reached (23,000) divided by the potential reach (370,000) is 0.062, or 6.2%.

To locate the potential reach, tick the box of the ad sets or ads that you want to view results on. Click the icon to open the side pane. The potential reach will be under Audience definition.

Potential reach may not be available depending on your audience configuration.

Bear in mind that: The size of your target audience may change over time. For the best understanding of how much of your audience your campaign reached, note down the potential reach at the time of placing your order.

Did you know?

When you create your next campaign, save time by clicking Duplicate on your ad.

* Nguồn: Facebook