Publish posts within a location structure

This feature is gradually being rolled out and may not be available to you at this time.

You can publish posts from the main Page of a location structure to all of your other location Pages. This feature will automatically be activated if none of the location Pages have any posts.

How does it work?

The post from the main location Page will be automatically shown on the location Pages. They are not separate posts, but one shared post instead with common metrics (likes, comments, shares).

Note: only admins of the main Page can manage the post publishing to all other location Pages.

By default, automatic publishing to all location Pages will stop as soon as you publish a post on a specific location Page instead of the main location Page. The feature will remain active for all the locations that still have no original posts.

You can manually customise how posts appear on your main location Page and all other location Pages:

  • To save your preferences, go to the Locations tab of your main Page.
  • Click Settings > Locations.

You have three options to manage the feature:

  1. Always show main Page posts on all location Pages
  2. Show main Page posts on location Pages only when the location Pages do not have their own posts (default option)
  3. Never show posts from main Page
    • You can also tailor your preferences for each location by clicking on the pencil icon located in the last column next to a location. From there, you can decide to exclude an individual location from the post propagation feature.

If you deactivate the feature to show main Page posts on location Pages, the automatically generated posts will disappear from the location Pages but will still be present on the main Page.

* Nguồn: Facebook