Using the Facebook pixel with Ensighten


If you're using Ensighten to manage tags for your website and want to install the Facebook pixel, follow these steps:

Before you begin

Install the Facebook pixel

  1. Log in to Ensighten.
  2. Click Apps in your Ensighten dashboard.
  3. Search for the Facebook app.
  4. Hover over Facebook Custom Audience and click Configure.
  5. Click Base Tag.
  6. Go to the Pixels page in Facebook Ads Manager.
  7. Copy your pixel ID.
  8. Back in Ensighten, paste your pixel ID in the Pixel ID container.
  9. Select your Locale, then click Next.
  10. Your Conditions will show up and default to Global. Leave this as is because the base code should be on every page of your website. Then click Next.
  11. Your Deployments will show up next. Name it, select your space, fill in the optional fields, then click Next.
  12. Click Generated Tag Code to check your code. Click Save to proceed.
  13. You can now test the pixel in your Deployments and then publish to your website.

Assign events:

  1. Find the Facebook Custom Audience app and select the Event Tracking Tag.
  2. Select your event type, then fill in attributes from your website. Besides using data layers, you can select JavaScript or Text Value to configure your attributes.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Set conditions for each event. While Global makes sense for the base code, it isn't appropriate for your Purchase page. Once you've selected the appropriate conditions for you website, click Next.
  5. Name your deployment, then click Next.
  6. Click Generated Tag Code to check your code. Click Save to proceed.

You can now test the pixel in your Deployments and then publish to your website. Repeat this process for each of the events you want to track and optimise for.

Check if your pixel is working

Once you've uploaded all your events, you should check if your pixel is firing correctly. To check that your pixel is working properly on your live site:

  1. Go to the page where the pixel has been placed. If it's working, the pixel will send information back to Facebook and you'll be able to see activity on the Pixels page in Ads Manager. Your pixel's status will also be set to Active.
  2. Note: The activity column reports all conversion events, regardless of whether or not they're associated with an ad.

  3. If this page says No activity, then take a look at the Facebook Pixel Helper troubleshooting guide.
Once you've successfully set up your pixel, learn how to start running ads on Facebook using conversion optimisation and tracking.

* Nguồn: Facebook