What's happening to the conversion pixel?


The conversion-tracking pixel is no longer available for ad creation. Start using the new Facebook pixel today. Learn how.

To best position your business for success, we've made one Facebook pixel that combines both the conversion-tracking pixel and the Custom Audience pixel. Get started with the Facebook pixel by 15 February 2017 to create ads using conversion tracking, optimisation and remarketing with your Facebook pixel.

Here's a full list of features that the Facebook pixel gives you, compared with the older pixels:

Conversion trackingConversion optimisationAudience retargetingDynamic adsCustom conversionsAdvanced matching
Conversion-tracking pixel Yes Yes No No No No
Custom Audience pixel No No Yes Yes No No
Facebook pixel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Learn more about transitioning from a conversion-tracking pixel and from a Custom Audience pixel. You can also take a Facebook Blueprint course to learn how to measure, optimise and build audiences for campaigns using the Facebook pixel.

* Nguồn: Facebook