Watch time report


You can use the "Watch time" report to see data about impressions, impressions click-through rate, views, and how long viewers watch your content.

The report shows the following data collected from, the video watch page, and mobile YouTube apps (some data is only available from No personally identifiable information is collected or shared in the Watch time report.

  • Impressions: How many times your thumbnails were shown to viewers on YouTube through registered impressions.
  • Impressions click-through rate (CTR): How often viewers watched a video after seeing a thumbnail.
  • Views: The number of legitimate views for your channels or videos.
  • Average view duration: Estimated average minutes watched per view for the selected content, date range, region, and other filters.
  • Watch time: The amount of time that a viewer has watched a video. This gives you a sense of what content viewers actually watch (as opposed to videos that they click on and then abandon).
Tip: If your view count seems frozen, learn more about how we count views.

Note: Analytics views data is based in Pacific Standard Time, updated once a day, and has a delay of up to 72 hours. The numbers you see in Analytics reports might be different from the numbers you see on the video page, channel page, Video Manager, or other sources.

See your Watch time report

Creator Studio Classic

You can go directly to the Watch time report or follow the steps below.
  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. In the top right, select your account > Creator Studio.
  3. In the left menu, click Analytics > Watch time.
  4. At the top of the report, you'll see information for Impressions > Click through rate > Views > Average view duration > Watch time.
  5. To download the report, click Export report in the top right.

YouTube Studio beta

You can use the Overview tab to see how long viewers watch your content:

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio beta. If you haven't tried the beta, learn more.
  2. In the left menu, click Analytics.
  3. Click the Overview tab to see watch time info cards.
  4. Click on the cards to get a deeper dive.


Tip: You can also check your analytics with the YouTube Studio app on your mobile device. Get started in the YouTube Creator Studio app Help Center.

How to use the Watch time report

You can use the tabs under the graph to view the data by dimensions like content type, geography, date, subscription status, YouTube product, and subtitles or closed captions. Some of these dimensions are not currently available for impressions and click-through rate.

You can modify the Watch time report to see only the data you want:

See or compare data for specific videos

View specific content

At the top of the page, click in the Search for content box to select from a list of your channels, assets, videos, playlists, and groups. You can also enter a specific title into the search box or browse all your content.

To see total data for just your uploads or just your playlists, choose the Uploads tab or Playlists tab under the search bar.

Compare data

To compare data across content, click the Comparison... button at the top of the page and enter the information you want to compare, like content, location, or time frame.

See data by type of viewer or location

You can see data for specific types of viewers, playbacks, or viewers in specific locations:

  • Subscribers only: Choose Subscribed from the drop-down menu under the search bar.
  • Non-subscribers only: Choose Not subscribed from the drop-down menu under the search bar.
  • Live only:* Choose Live to only see data for videos that were live streamed.
  • On demand only:* Choose On demand to only see data for on demand videos.
  • YouTube products:** Select from the options to see traffic from different YouTube offerings, like YouTube Gaming or YouTube Kids.
  • By region: Click the Search for locations box at the top of the screen to see suggested regions.
  • By country: Under the graph, select the Geography tab. You can also click the Search for locations box at the top of the screen to see suggested countries.

*This data is only available if you live stream videos.

**This data is only available if your content is watched through YouTube Gaming or YouTube Kids.

Use watch time in conjunction with other metrics

To get a full picture of what attracts and engages viewers on your channel or videos, try looking at watch time together with other metrics, such as:

  • Impressions and click-through rate: Get an idea of where viewers are being show your thumbnails and clicking to watch.
  • Viewers reached report: See how many viewers are watching a video across different device. Look at average view duration and average percentage viewed metrics for videos to understand how long viewers are sticking around after clicking on an impression
  • Traffic sources: Look at your traffic sources to fully understand where watch time is coming from. Take a look at your traffic sources for impressions data to see where impressions are happening.
  • Audience retention: Get an overall measure of how well your video keeps its audience. 

View by most-watched date

To organize data by the dates your videos had most watch time or views, select the Date tab under the graph, then reorder the data by the selected metric.

Change date range or time metric

  • Change the date range for the report: Click the calendar button at the top of the page and select your date range. You can also select from preset time frames, such as the last month or year, by clicking the drop-down menu next to the calendar button.
  • Change how watch time shows: In the graph, click the Compare metric drop-down menu, then choose Watch time (hours) or Watch time (minutes).
  • Change the reporting frequency: In the graph, click the Daily drop-down menu and choose how you want the data to show, like daily, weekly, or monthly.


Note: You may see different metrics in YouTube Analytics based on the platform - Classic desktop, YouTube Studio desktop, or the YouTube Studio app. This is because up-to-date metrics are available faster in Analytics on YouTube Studio (both on desktop and on the app) than on Creator Studio classic.

* Nguồn: Youtube