Subscribers report


The Subscribers report shows how you’ve gained and lost subscribers across different content, locations, and dates. Subscribers are viewers who tend to interact more with your content and watch your videos on a regular basis.

The number of subscribers that you see in YouTube Analytics may be different than the subscriber count on your YouTube channel. The number in YouTube Analytics is delayed by approximately 48 hours. This is because we want to make sure the numbers are 100% accurate, so we perform additional verification and spam reviews.

You can use the Subscribers report to understand:

  • Your effectiveness at building a base of subscribers
  • What videos drove subscriptions or caused people to unsubscribe
  • Where your content is popular

See your Subscribers report

Creator Studio Classic

  1. Log in to your Google account.
  2. In the top right, select your account > Creator Studio.
  3. In the left menu, click Analytics > Subscribers.
  4. Above the chart or map, select Subscribers, Subscribers gained, or Subscribers lost for a date range.

YouTube Studio beta

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio beta. If you haven't tried the beta, learn more.
  2. In the left menu, click Analytics.
  3. Click the Build an audience tab to see info cards.
  4. Click on the cards to get a deeper dive.
Learn more about YouTube Studio beta, the new home for everything creators care about.


Note: You may see different metrics in YouTube Analytics based on the platform - Classic desktop, YouTube Studio desktop, or the YouTube Studio app. This is because up-to-date metrics are available faster in Analytics on YouTube Studio (both on desktop and on the app) than on Creator Studio classic.

Subscriber sources

You can see where viewers subscribed to your channel by clicking the Source tab in the Subscribers report.

As of September 18, 2017, we’ve added additional subscription sources to make it easier for you to analyze patterns and fluctuations in subscriber data. Data prior to this date is shown using the old source categories.

You can now see more granular data in the sources report. For example, you can see all subscribes from interactive features, such as end screens.

Here are the source categories that you can see in the report:

  • YouTube watch page: Subscriptions from the subscribe button on video watch pages. You might notice a large increase in this category as we attribute subscriptions to individual videos that were previously included in the "Channel/other" category.  
  • Your YouTube channel: Subscriptions from the subscribe button on your channel page.
  • Interactive features: Subscriptions from interactive features on videos, such as end screens, or branding watermarks.
  • External: Subscriptions from videos or subscribe buttons embedded on websites other than YouTube.
  • YouTube home: Subscriptions from the YouTube home page.
  • Official Artist Channels: Subscriptions added when your channel was upgraded to an Official Artist Channel. Note that no geo data is available for this source. Learn more.
  • Other YouTube channel: Subscriptions from other channels that recommend your channel or videos or from other channels that are related to your channel.
  • Subscriptions feed: Subscriptions from the subscriptions feed. This will help you understand how the subscribe feeds contribute to subscribes and unsubscribes.
  • Subscriptions channel list: Subscriptions from the mobile subscription list and desktop subscriptions manager.
  • YouTube search: Subscriptions from search results based on these queries.
  • YouTube advertising: Subscriptions from ads.
  • Closed accounts: Reduction in subscriber count caused by removal of closed accounts.
  • Other: Subscriptions from unspecified sources.
More questions about subscribers? Read our Q&A on YouTube subscribers

* Nguồn: Youtube