Get your ads above Google search results


When people search on Google, text ads can appear above or below the search results. Only up to four ads are eligible to show above the search results.

Your ad's position on the page is determined by your Ad Rank – a combination of your bid, auction-time ad quality (including expected clickthrough rate, ad relevance, and landing page experience), the Ad Rank thresholds, the context of the person’s search (location, device, time of search, search terms, the other ads and search results on the page, and other user signals and attributes), and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formatting.

This article gives you some tips to improve your ad's position

Keep in mind

To be eligible for a top spot, your ad needs to meet the relevant Ad Rank thresholds. The thresholds required to appear above search results are generally greater than the thresholds required to appear below search results, which is why ads above search results typically have higher CPCs than ads below search results.

How you can help your ads make it to the top

Here are some tips on how to get your ads eligible for the top spots:

  • Improve your Ad Rank: Consider including more relevant information in your ads about your business to improve your expected clickthrough rate (CTR) and by creating ads with extensions, such as sitelinks. Learn more.
  • Focus on relevance: Make sure your ads and landing pages are relevant to what customers are searching for. If your ads aren't relevant, they might show, but they won't get as many clicks and may have a high CPC. This leads to poor performance over time.
  • Keep your bid competitive: Try keeping your bid high enough so that you can compete with other advertisers who are also bidding on the same keywords you are. Look through the top of page bid estimates to help you figure out how much you probably need to bid to compete for a top spot on the page.
  • Monitor your campaign results: Making small but regular improvements now could have a big impact later on.

* Nguồn: Google