Measure Search Network keyword performance


Review your keywords' performance to see which ones are helping you meet your advertising goals for your campaigns that target the Google Search Network. To do so, you can view and download your keyword performance from a specific time period, or customize your Google Ads statistics table to track how your keywords are performing by match type. You can also run a keyword diagnosis to review your keyword Quality Score.


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View and download your keyword performance

Guided tour: Reports

Click the "Show me how" button below to go to your account and be guided through key performance metrics. Or, you can read the instructions below.

Show me how
  1. Sign into your AdWords account.
  2. Click the Campaigns tab.
  3. Click the Keywords tab. Make sure your statistics table contains the date range, columns, filters, and segments you'd like to include in your report. Segments that you've applied to the data in the table show up in your report as columns. Learn how to create a customized view of your data.
  4. Click the Download button Download Icon.
  5. You'll see a Download and schedule report panel above your statistics table.
  6. Name your report, and then choose the type of format.
  7. Click Create.


Due to the large amount of information that must be collected to create the reports, complete data for a given day is not available until 3 p.m. PT the following day. 

Use specific segments, columns, or filters to track keyword statistics

You can customize your statistics table to view keyword data by the following:

  • Segments: Split your data into rows by the options you select (such as date, click type, or device).
  • Columns: Add specific types of data to your statistics table.
  • Filters: Search for statistics you'd like to see.

Use segments to see performance of search terms match type

You can see your keyword data segmented by search terms match type, which are broad, phrase, and exact match search terms that triggered your keyword. This allows you to compare statistics such as clicks, impressions, CTRs, or conversion rates for search terms that triggered your ad. Use segmentation options to identify which keywords are driving the best performance for a particular search term match type.

To segment your data by search terms match type, click the Segment button above your statistics table and select "Search terms match type" from the drop-down.

Use columns to track the quality of your keywords

Quality Score is a measure of how relevant your ads, keywords, and landing page are to a customer. Each keyword gets a Quality Score on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest score and 10 is the highest.

A low score is a signal to check which component of your keyword Quality Score needs work. There are 3 components of Quality Score: Ad Relevance, expected CTR and Landing Page Experience

To enable your Quality Score column, go to the Keywords tab and click the Columns button above your statistics table, then choose Modify columns. In the Quality Score section, click the Add link next to Qual. score. Ad Relevance, expected CTR and Landing Page Experience. These are status columns reflecting your state today. You can also add Historical columns reflecting your past stats. 

Customize columns

Use columns to view your first page, top of page, and first position bid estimates

Your first page bid estimate, top of page bid estimate, and first position bid estimate are the approximate cost-per-click (CPC) bids needed for your ad to reach the first page, the top of the page, or in the very first ad position of Google search results, respectively, when a search term exactly matches your keyword. The estimates are based on your Quality Score and current advertiser competition for that keyword. If these ad position bid estimates are very high, it may mean that your keyword's Quality Score is poor.

To see these ad position bid estimates, go to the Keywords tab and click the Columns button above your statistics table, then choose Modify columns. In the Attributes section, click the Add link next to "Est. first page bid," "Est. top page bid," or "Est. first pos. bid."

Use columns to see the potential impact of bid changes on your Search Network traffic

The bid simulator columns estimate how keyword bid changes of +/- 50%, +300%, and meeting the top page bid estimate might impact your weekly Search Network clicks and costs.

To see the estimates, go to the Keywords tab and click the Columns button above your statistics table, then choose Modify columns. In the Bid simulator section, click the Add link next to the columns that interest you, or click Add all columns.

Use columns to view your keyword match type

Your keyword match types are the keyword matching options -- broad, phrase, exact -- that we use to determine which Google searches can trigger your ads to appear. You might see more ad impressions, clicks, and conversions with some match types, or fewer impressions and more narrow targeting with others.

To monitor how a particular keyword match type is performing, go to the Keywords tab and click the Columns button above your statistics table, then choose Modify columns. In the Attributes section, click the Add link next to Match type.

Use filters to sort your keyword data

Filters allow you to search for specific types of data so you can easily evaluate the performance of your keywords. You might filter your data to see which keywords are eligible to trigger ads, or maybe you'd like to see which keywords have a good return-on-investment.

To create a filter, go to the Keywords tab and click the Filter button, then choose Create filter. In the filter panel, select which filter you'd like to use from the drop-down menu. 

Diagnose your keywords

If you'd like to know whether your keyword is showing ads or if you'd like to get a snapshot your keyword's Quality Score, you can easily diagnose your keywords. Follow the steps below whether you'd like to diagnose individual keywords or multiple keywords at once.

Diagnose individual keywords:

  1. Click the Campaigns tab.
  2. Click the Keywords tab.
  3. Hover over the speech bubble next to the status of your keyword to see whether your keyword is showing ads and its Quality Score. If your keyword isn't showing ads, we'll explain why and help you solve the problem. You'll also see a breakdown of your Quality Score, which includes your keyword relevance, landing page experience, and landing page loading time.

Instead of hovering on the speech bubble for every keyword, you can also enable your Quality Score columns, go to the Keywords tab and click the Columns button above your statistics table, then choose Modify columns. In the Quality Score section, click the Add link next to the Qual. score. Ad Relevance, expected CTR and Landing Page Experience. These are status columns reflecting your state today. You can also add Historical columns reflecting your past stats. 

See your keyword performance

Diagnose multiple keywords at once:

  1. Click the Campaigns tab.
  2. Click the Keywords tab.
  3. Click the "Details" drop-down menu.
  4. Select Diagnose keywords.Diagnose your keywords
  5. You'll see a Diagnose keywords panel where you can customize your diagnosis to answer specific questions about your ad's visibility. For example, you can test whether people on specific Google domains, those using Google in a particular language, or those in particular countries are seeing your ads. Choose which attributes you'd like to test.Test your keywords
  6. Click Run test.
  7. Once you receive results from your diagnosis, the information in the Status column will change. To see results for a particular keyword, hover over the speech bubble in the Status column. Click the Close link above the table to clear your diagnosis.Keyword performance data



The results of your diagnosis are only applicable at the time when you run the diagnosis and may quickly become outdated. Your most recent diagnosis will be indicated by a timestamp above your statistics table ("Diagnosis complete - -"). Run a new keyword diagnosis when you want to see fresh data.

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* Nguồn: Google