About detailed targeting


Detailed targeting is a targeting option available in the "Audience" section of ad set creation that allows you to refine the group of people we show your ads to. You can do this with additional demographic information, interests and behaviours.

These detailed targeting options may be based on:

  • Ads they click on
  • Pages they engage with
  • Activities people engage in on and off Facebook related to things such as their device usage, purchase behaviours or intents, and travel preferences
  • Demographics such as age, gender and location
  • The mobile device they use and the speed of their network connection

You can browse the full list of detailed targeting options or search for specific ones using the "Add demographics, interests or behaviours" search bar.

How to use detailed targeting

The "Detailed Targeting" sub-section of ad set creation offers two general actions:

  • Include people
  • Exclude people

Once you select at least one option for one of these, another option is opened: Narrow audience. If you add an option to that field, you'll be able to Narrow further. The following sections explains how these actions work.

"Or" targeting versus "and" targeting

If you add criteria to the "Include people" or "Exclude people" fields, your audience will include or exclude people who meet at least one of the criteria – not all of them. Say you include people who:

  • Are frequent travellers
  • Are interested in cooking
  • Are university graduates

A person who likes cooking but isn't a frequent traveller and/or isn't a university graduate would be in the audience. It might be useful to think of this as "'or' targeting", as the audience would be made up of people who are frequent travellers or who like cooking or who are university graduates.

If you want to include or exclude only people who meet all of your criteria, you can use the audience-narrowing actions. Here's how you would do that using the same criteria from our example:

  1. Include frequent travellers
  2. Click Narrow audience.
  3. Include people interested in cooking
  4. Click Narrow further.
  5. Include university graduates

This audience will only include people who are frequent travellers and are interested in cooking and are university graduates.

Combining "and" and "or" targeting

You can think of "Include/Exclude" > "Narrow audience" > "Narrow further" as targeting tiers. You can add multiple criteria to each tier to give yourself some flexibility, since only one parameter from each will be required for inclusion/exclusion.

To continue our example: You've got an audience with frequent travellers at the "Include/exclude" tier, people interested in cooking at the "Narrow audience" tier and university graduates in the "Narrow further" tier.

Note: You can have multiple "Narrow further" tiers that have the same relationship between them as the one between the "Include/Exclude" and "Narrow audience" tiers, they just won't have a different name.

You could add people who are vegetarians to "Include/Exclude" and people who are interested in gardening to "Narrow audience". This would leave you with the following set up:

  • Include/Exclude: Frequent travellers or vegetarians
  • Narrow audience: People interested in cooking or gardening
  • Narrow further: University graduates

One criteria from each tier must be met for inclusion/exclusion. So a vegetarian interested in gardening who is a university graduate would be in the audience, but a frequent traveller interested in cooking who isn't a university graduate wouldn't be.

Important: When narrowing your audience, be careful to not make it too specific. Doing so can lead to an audience that's too small to be effective. Bear in mind that within any target audience you create, we automatically try to find the people likely to get you the result you told us to optimise for in ad set creation. Because of this, you don't have to worry about refining too much. Monitor the "Audience definition" panel to the right of your audience creation options. If the indicator needle is in the red section of the dial, make your audience broader.

* Nguồn: Facebook