About Instant Experience

Instant Experience (IX) is a full-screen, post-click experience that lets you bring your brand or products and services to life on mobile. In an Instant Experience, people can watch engaging videos and photos, swipe through carousels, complete a form, quickly view your products and explore lifestyle images with tagged products. It can be used with almost all Facebook ad formats – carousel, single image, video, slideshow and collection.
You can create a custom Instant Experience in Ads Manager, in Creative Hub or on your Page. If you work with a developer, refer them to the Ads API.
Benefits of Instant Experience
- Provides multiple templates for verticalised solutions
- Loads instantly and engages attention
- Expands to a full-screen experience that highlights content
- Works across all formats – photos, videos, carousel, slideshow and collection
- Embed Facebook and third-party pixels
Three tips for using Instant Experience
- Know the story you want to tell about your brand, and use short videos, clear messaging and powerful images
- Use high-quality images and video that take advantage of the full-screen experience
- Mark clear paths through your Instant Experience with simple steps and actions to take (e.g. descriptive text for buttons and links)
* Nguồn: Facebook