Grab attention with simple, cost effective ads


You don't need a big budget, or any professional training, to make creative ads which capture attention on Facebook. In fact, some large and small advertisers are finding success with simple, attention-grabbing creative.

If you think your image ads could be more effective...

Try these tips for creating ads with a single point of focus.

Small changes can increase your chances of grabbing people's attention.

If video is too expensive...

Carousel ads are also a great showcase for products.

Have you tried the slideshow ad format? It's easy to create a slideshow from carousel images or other photos.

If you don't have much equipment...

Mobile Studio shares inspiration from advertisers who have prototyped or created engaging ads on mobile phones. You'll find a wealth of recommended apps and easy ideas.

Creative Platform Partners are third-party businesses working with Facebook that can help you create or improve your video ads. This is a cost-effective option for cutting down longer videos effectively.

If you want to add movement...

Moving gifs, cinemagraphs and boomerangs can be eye-catching in News Feed.

These formats aren't only popular with small businesses: the Martini team had an 11-second average viewing time on their cinemagraph campaign and Kayak enjoyed a 39% lower cost per incremental searcher with video than still images.

If you have content that needs new life...

Create compelling short ads with images you already have, using text, licensed music overlays and these simple tools. You can also try the Ripl app and the Videoshop app.

Automated captions is a useful tool for adding captions to Facebook video ads, to engage people browsing News Feed with sound off. Or, take a look at the Legend app.

If you want to build better mobile video ads...

Creative Hub allows your team to mock up ad designs together, playing around with different formats and placements.

It also allows you, your team and your clients to preview ads as they will appear on mobile devices within News Feed, which helps to prevent display issues.

Try these tips for creating effective video ads.

Learn more:

* Nguồn: Facebook