Set up your catalogue for dynamic ads for travel (destinations)


A catalogue is a shell that stores your inventory data. A data feed is the actual data file containing the details about your inventory that is used to populate the catalogue, including location, price and availability. You can have more than one data feed in a catalogue.

Step 1: Create your catalogue

The following instructions will walk you through how to create a catalogue in Business Manager. Bear in mind that you can also create your catalogue from Ads Manager.

To upload a catalogue to Facebook Business Manager:
  1. In your Business Manager, click Business settings in the top-right.
  2. Under the People and assets tab on the right-hand side, select Product catalogues, then click Add New Product Catalogue.
  3. Note: Admin access will be required for anyone planning to add/update a catalogue.
  4. Select Create a new product catalogue, or Request access to a product catalogue if you're requesting access to an existing catalogue, and follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. If you select Create a new product catalogue, start by assigning a name to it, then select Type > Destinations. Click Create Catalogue when you're ready.
  6. Decide whether you want to give people access to your catalogue and/or pixel, or skip this and click OK.

    Now that your catalogue has been created, you can upload your data feed.
Step 2: Create/upload your data feed
With dynamic ads for travel (flights), there are two options for data feeds: upload a regular feed or use a feed-less solution. After you create your data feed, we'll walk through the steps for both options.
Create your data feed
Add required fields to your data feed by creating a file with the column names below. They'll need to be written exactly as they appear here for your file to upload correctly. Column names must be written in English and include the required column names outlined below. Facebook supports the following file types: CSV, TSV, RSS XML or ATOM XML.

Required and recommended fields for destinations:

To use a catalogue, please make certain that your feed includes the required fields listed below. It's important to note that all column names (file headers) must be in US English. See the Supported destination feed formats and sample files section below this table for information on how to input these fields correctly based on the file format that you're using.

1destination_id (max size: 100)stringYour unique identifier for the destination within the catalogue. This will be matched with any content_ids provided in your destination app and pixel events.Yes
2namestringThe most common name of the destination.Yes
3addressobjectA complete address for the destination that must be resolvable with its location.Yes
addr 1stringStreet address of this destination (e.g. 123 Birch Way). No
citystringCity of the destination (e.g. Palo Alto).Yes
regionstringState, county, region or province of the destination (e.g. Oxfordshire).Yes
countrystringCountry of the destination (e.g. United Kingdom). Yes
postal_codestringPostcode or zip code of the destination (e.g. NW1 3FG or 94125). This is applicable for lower-level destinations (e.g. landmarks) and can be omitted for countries without a postcode system. No
4latitudefloat The latitude of the destination (e.g. 51.443737).No
5longitudefloatThe longitude of the destination (e.g. 1.029968).No
6district (max items: 20)stringOne or more district(s) in the destination (e.g. Westminster).no
7image (max items: 20)objectImage data for this destination. You can provide up to 20 images for the destination. Each image contains two fields: the URL and tag of the image. You can associate multiple tags with an image. You must provide at least one image. Each image can be up to 4 MB in size.Yes
urlstringThe URL of the destination image. Note that if you want to use carousel ads, you'll need to provide square 1:1 aspect ratio images at 600 x 600 px. To show single destination ads, provide images with 1.91:1 aspect ratio at 1,200 x 630 px.Yes
tagstringA string that describes what's in the image. There can be multiple tags associated with an image.No
8type (max items: 20)string The type(s) of destination (e.g. beach, city, food, sightseeing, culture, history, shopping, museum, tranquillity, scenery, nature, architecture, business, friendly people, relaxation, night market, mountain, temple, hiking, snorkelling and so on). There can be multiple types associated with a destination (e.g. a destination can have multiple attributes such as beach and sightseeing).Yes
9urlstringLink to the external website where you can view the destination page.Yes
10pricestringCan be the lowest or average price for this destination, such as "Hotels in NYC from GBP 199.99", "Lowest airfare to this destination". You must specify the value with a currency, such as GBP 199.99.No
11price_changeintSpecify the price change: (0: No price change, 10:10% price drop, 20: 20% price increase). This can be used for building product sets and in the ad creative (e.g. "average price in NYC dropped by X" or "average price in NYC dropped").No
12description (max size: 5,000)string A short paragraph describing the destination.No
13applinkelementApplink information. You can provide deep link information about the hotel. This allows you to display a specific hotel in your mobile app if someone wants more information about it. To do this, use App Links specification. Deep link information in the hotel feed takes precedence over any information that has been collected through App Links metadata by our web crawler from within web pages. If deep link information is already available because you've implemented App Links, specifying this data in the hotel feed isn't necessary as we'll use the collected information to display the correct outbound link. To set up deep links in the ad creative, see the Dynamic Creative document No
ios_urlstringA custom scheme for the iOS app (e.g. example-ios://electronic)No
ios_app_store_idstringThe app ID for the App Store (e.g. 1234)No
ios_app_namestringThe name of the app (e.g. Electronic Example iOS).No
iphone_urlstringA custom scheme for the iPhone app (e.g. example-iphone://electronic).No
iphone_app_store_idstringThe app ID for the App Store (e.g. 5678).No
iphone_app_namestringThe name of the app (e.g. Electronic Example iPhone).No
ipad_urlstringA custom scheme for the iPhone app (e.g. example-ipad://electronic).No
ipad_app_store_idstringThe app ID for the App Store (e.g. 9010).No
ipad_app_namestringThe name of the app (e.g. Electronic Example iPad).No
android_urlstringThe name of the app (e.g. Electronic Example iPad).No
android_packagestringA fully-qualified package name for intent generation (e.g. com.electronic).No
android_classstringA fully-qualified activity class name for intent generation (e.g. com.electronic.Example).No
android_app_namestringThe name of the app (e.g. Electronic Example Android).No

Supported destination feed formats and sample files

Below you'll find a chart that provides information on the types of destination feed formats available as well as sample files.

File formatDescriptionSample file
CSV, TSVComma/tab separated file. The first row specifies the column header. Subsequent rows then supply the corresponding values for each destination. Fields containing whitespace or commas should be enclosed in "double quotes". Nested or multi-value fields such as address, district or image can be represented using JSON-encoded values or by a set of "flattened" plain-text columns labelled using JSON-path syntax (e.g., neighborhood[0], image[0].url, image[0].tag[0], image[0].tag[1]). Both conventions can be used interchangeably in the same file.

TSV "flattened" style - sample file

JSON TSV "flattened" style - sample file

CSV "flattened" style - sample file


A root XML node encloses a set of nodes, each of which represents a route. The file must begin with the declaration tag.

XML - sample file

Common issues

Make sure that the image URLs in your catalogue link to high-quality images that are appropriate for Facebook News Feed. For example, if you plan to advertise using a single image, we recommend an image size of 1,200 x 628 pixels. Alternative image sizes will be accepted, but may be cropped. See the complete image guide.

Upload your data feed to a catalogue in Business Manager
To upload your data feed:
  1. Select the catalogue you want to upload a data feed for and click Add Destination Feed.
  2. Choose your feed name and set your currency, then choose your upload type:
    • Scheduled recurring uploads: When you choose this option, you can upload your feed at scheduled intervals from a website where your feed is hosted.
    • Single upload: When you choose this option, you can upload your feed manually for a one-off upload. If you choose this option, you'll need to upload your feed manually whenever you change the file.
    Click Next.
  3. Complete the final steps, including providing a feed URL, and click Create Feed.

Note: Data feeds can be separated by tab or comma.

For more details on data feeds, visit our developer site.

Once your catalogue is uploaded, click below to learn best practices, how to view your catalogue, how to debug your feed and more.

  • We recommend that you enter a feed URL and schedule either hourly, daily or weekly upload frequencies in order to automatically keep your catalogue up to date. This helps you avoid showing ads for out-of-stock inventory and automatically add new inventory as your catalogue changes.
  • If you would like to show dynamic prices in your ads, you can use our pixel price feature. This feature is in limited release, so please contact your Facebook account representative for more details on setting this up.
  • In some cases, you may have to make changes to the encoding and delimiter settings. For example, for catalogues that use quotes (") in their description column, you may need to tick the quoted fields checkbox. Work with your feed management provider to understand the settings that are necessary for your catalogue.
Viewing your catalogue
  • Depending on the size of your file, your catalogue may take several minutes to one hour to upload. When it successfully uploads, it'll appear in your Business Manager under the Product catalogue page.
  • On the Product catalogue page, you can see when the feed was last updated, how many destinations were added, removed or updated and how many errors occurred.
  • You may receive several warnings or errors the first time you upload your catalogue. Warnings are recommendations for things to fix to improve the quality of your ads. Errors indicate that a feed wasn't processed and you need to fix your feed before proceeding.
  • If you already have a catalogue and need to make an update, find your existing catalogue in Business Manager in the Destination feeds section. Click the name of the feed and select Upload Now.
Associate your pixel or app
  • If you have not used the feed-less solution, you may be asked to associate your Facebook pixel or app to your catalogue. This is necessary in cases where your business has more than one catalogue, Facebook pixel or app. Associating your pixel or app tells Facebook which pixel or app will match which catalogue. Learn how.
Add destination sets

A destination set is a set of inventory in a catalogue that you advertise in your dynamic ads for travel. Each catalogue can have multiple destination sets. Destination sets are defined by filters in a catalogue and are created when you set up your ad campaign.

Note: Only catalogue admins can create destination sets.

To create a destination set:

  1. Go to
  2. Choose the catalogue that will contain your new destination set.
  3. Click Productsets.
  4. Click Create New Product Set. A window appears where you can add filters for your catalogue.
  5. Enter a name for your destination set.
  6. Use the drop-down menus to apply filters to your destination set.
Validate your feed with the Product Feed Debug Tool

The Product Feed Debug Tool allows you to paste in a product feed and validate the feed for errors and warnings without creating an upload session or adding products to your catalogue. This is helpful in the early stages of integration when you don't have a catalogue yet and don't have a fully flushed out feed yet. You can just paste in your test feed, detect the errors and warnings and ensure that the feed format is correct before actually setting it up for all your products.

Try the Product Feed Debug Tool.

Complete your dynamic ad for travel (destinations):

Implement a pixel and/or mobile SDK

Create an ad template

* Nguồn: Facebook