Connect your Ticketmaster account to Facebook


Connect your Ticketmaster account to Facebook to track website visits or other specific conversion events on your Ticketmaster pages. Follow the steps below to enter your pixel ID in your Ticketmaster account.

  1. Log in to Ticketmaster ONE to access FanBuilder and select Add pixel tracking.
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  1. Set the date range using the Start date and End date fields. Set the end date as far into the future as you'd like to keep pixel tracking enabled for your events.
  2. In the Channel section, make sure that Ticketmaster is selected.
  3. Select a specific artist or tick the box to Select all artists.
  4. For Page type, tick the boxes to ensure that your pixel tracks all three page types.
  5. In the Pixel section, select Facebook.
  6. Copy and paste your pixel ID .
  7. To see additional customised data, tick the box next to Include Ticketmaster data in custom parameters and follow the steps in the view documentation link.
  8. Click Save Pixel Tracking.
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Learn more about the benefits of using Facebook pixel.

* Nguồn: Facebook