Upload business locations using a spreadsheet


You can add and edit business locations in Business Manager on Facebook using a spreadsheet. You can upload an Excel, UTF-16 or CSV file.

To upload your business locations using a spreadsheet:
  1. Download our spreadsheet template here.
  2. In the template, the Tips for filling this in tab gives helpful instructions.

    E.g. how to format particular fields, explanation of our sub-categories.

  3. If you have already created Facebook Pages representing your business locations, fill in the Existing locations template tab.

    If any of these shops have now shut, put a Y in the Closed column.

  4. If you haven't created Facebook Pages, you can fill in the New locations template tab.

    Tip: Some advertisers choose to export their business location data from Shopify, Magento or other tools, then reformat the information to fit this template.

  5. Move the tab you've chosen to fill to the "tab 1" position in your spreadsheet. Our tool only reads the first tab.
  6. To upload the spreadsheet, in Business Manager, open Business Locations (learn how). Click the Add Locations button in the top-right.

  7. To upload the spreadsheet via your Facebook Page, use the Import Multiple Locations button. Learn how

  8. Choose Upload Locations.
  9. Click Choose File to upload your spreadsheet.
  10. If your upload is successful, you'll see a confirmation message. Click Save Changes to confirm.

    If your spreadsheet contains any errors, you'll see a message letting you know how many locations have an error. You'll have the option to upload all the locations without errors or download your spreadsheet with instructions on what the errors are and how to fix them. You can then re-upload your spreadsheet.

You have now uploaded your business locations using a spreadsheet.

* Nguồn: Facebook