Set Up Recurring Report for Manual Mapping and Cost Data Import

  1. Go to Bing Ads and select Reports > Keyword from the navigation menu at the top.
  2. Enter a name for the report. For Report type, select Keyword.
  3. In the General settings section, set the following values:
    • Show (time): Day
    • Date range: Yesterday
    • Time zone: Pacific Time
    • Format: CSV
    • What to report on: Specific accounts and campaigns
  4. From the dropdown menu, select Accounts then select Active. Make sure all boxes are checked next to all accounts listed.
  5. In the Choose your columns section, select the following:

    Date, Campaign, Campaign ID, Ad group, Ad group ID, Keyword, Keyword ID, Impressions, Clicks, Spend

  6. In the My reports settings section, check the box next to Schedule this report.
  7. For Frequency, select Weekly. Keep every set to 1 week. For At, select 6:00 AM local time. For Start, select today's date. This report will run until it expires, so set End to a date as far into the future as possible.
  8. In the Send report to field, enter your email address and check the box next to Include report as an email attachment.
  9. Click Run.

* Nguồn: Facebook