About sitelink extensions


To add more links to your ads, create sitelink extensions. Sitelinks can take people to specific pages on your site—your store hours, a specific product, or more. When someone clicks or taps on your links, they skip right to what they want to know or buy.

This is an informational article about sitelink extensions. For a how-to article, jump to Use sitelink extensions.

How they show

Sitelinks will show in a variety of ways, depending on device, position, and other factors. When your sitelink extension appears with one of your ads on a computer, your ad will show no fewer than 2 links due to the minimum 2-sitelink requirement to serve an ad. Your ad can have up to 6 links. Sitelinks may appear on the same line or fill up to two lines of your ad.

When your sitelink extension ad shows on a tablet or mobile device, it similarly must have at least 2 sitelinks to serve, so your ad will show at least 2 links. Your ad can show up to 8 links. These sitelinks will appear side-by-side on a single line in a carousel format. People can swipe left or right on the carousel to browse your various sitelinks. If your ad appears in the very top position, your sitelinks are eligible to show in a more prominent tappable row, with only one sitelink on each line.

Sitelinks appear in ads at the top and bottom of Google search results.

Example of a Search ad with sitelink extensions as it would appear on a computer

Walter's Bakery for Dogs
Ad www.example.com
Artisanal Biscuits and Cakes. Doesn't Your Dog Deserve It?

How they work

You can add sitelinks at the account, campaign, or ad group level. You specify the link text (what shows to people) and URLs (the pages they click to).

In some cases, Google might supplement your sitelinks with descriptions that you've provided about those pages. Either you can add those details yourself when creating or editing sitelinks, or we can automatically use information within your account related to individual sitelinks—for example, from various ads in your account. By showing additional information with your sitelinks, your ads can be more relevant to potential customers.


Here are a few reasons to consider adding sitelinks to your ads:

  • Update easily: Change link text and URLs whenever you want, keeping them up-to-date for sales and special offers. You don't need to make new text ads or edit them to include sitelinks.
  • See detailed data about your clicks: Find out how many clicks occurred on your ad when sitelinks appeared. Break down the statistics by campaign, ad group, or ad. Segment your statistics to see the number of clicks that occurred on the individual sitelink versus another part of the ad (the headline, other sitelinks, or another extension, for example).
  • Edit your sitelink extensions without losing data: Edit your sitelinks without resetting their performance statistics.
  • Customized sitelinks for mobile: Create mobile-optimized sitelinks to show on mobile devices.
  • Schedule with start and end dates: Specify the dates, days of week, or times of day your sitelinks are eligible to show.

Cost of clicks

Sitelinks are free to add—you’re only charged for clicks from people viewing your ad. The cost of a click on a sitelink equals the cost of a click on the headline in the same ad. In other words, you'll be charged the same amount no matter which link in the same ad—the landing page or a sitelink—someone clicks. Sitelinks offer more opportunities for your customers to click on and within your ad, but you won’t be charged for more than two clicks per ad impression. However, if someone quickly clicks on more than one link while viewing an ad, this gets treated as a duplicate or invalid click and you won't get charged.

* Nguồn: Google