About ad delivery

Your ad delivery method can determine how long your budget lasts.

If your budget is limited, choose a “standard” or “accelerated” ad delivery method to determine the pace you want your ads to show throughout the day. This article outlines the two types of ad delivery methods and when you may want to use them.

Ad delivery and your average daily budget

When you create a campaign, you set an average daily budget. This determines how much, on average, you'd like to spend each day for this campaign (it's possible that you'll be charged less, or sometimes slightly more, than your average daily budget amount on a given day). When your average daily budget is reached, your ads will typically stop showing for that day.

For most advertisers, budget is used whenever a potential customer clicks your ad. The more often your ad is clicked, the faster you'll use up your average daily budget. Your campaign’s ad delivery method determines how quickly your ads are shown and how long your budget lasts during a given day.

Your ad delivery method is relevant if your campaign is limited by budget since it allows you to decide how quickly you want your budget to be spent. If your campaign isn’t limited by budget, the ad delivery method won’t be useful since your budget is high enough to enable your ads to serve throughout the entire day.

Choose "Standard" or "Accelerated" ad delivery

You have two options for ad delivery methods: “Standard” (the default setting for all campaigns, and optimizes your budget by spending it throughout the day) or “Accelerated” (which is not recommended for most advertisers).

"Standard" delivery (default option)

  • How it works: The standard delivery method aims to evenly distribute your budget across the entire day (12 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.) to avoid exhausting your budget early on.
  • Why use it: Recommended for new advertisers, this delivery method is useful if you want to reach customers evenly throughout the day. If you have a small budget, this method can also help you avoid spending your entire budget in the morning. For instance, if you run a gourmet food delivery business, you'd want to make sure you reach customers at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • What to expect: Since your ad delivery occurs throughout the day, you might not see your ad appear every time you look for it, particularly if your campaign is limited by budget.


Remember, to see your ad in context, it's better to use the Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool than to search for it on Google.

"Accelerated" delivery (not recommended for most advertisers)

  • How it works: Accelerated delivery is optimized less. It spends your budget more quickly, usually at the start of the day (i.e., 12:00 am). Because of this, accelerated delivery isn’t recommended for most advertisers. So if your campaign is limited by budget, your campaign may exhaust its average daily budget early in the day, causing your ad to stop showing for most of the day.
  • Why use it: Though not recommended for most advertisers, you can use this method if it's important to you that your ads start showing in the morning and more quickly thereafter, until your average daily budget is reached -- even if that means they might not show throughout the entire day.
  • What to expect: If your campaign is limited by budget, your ads will stop showing once you've reached the average daily budget allocated for that day. If you reach your budget limit early in the morning, your ad won't run again until the next day, so you might not see your ad appear every time you look for it, particularly at night.

* Nguồn: Google