Pause, resume, or remove a campaign


You can start, pause, or remove your campaigns. Pausing or removing a campaign will stop its ads from showing.

This article explains the steps you'll need to enable, pause, or remove your campaigns.

Keep in mind

If you remove a campaign, you permanently stop it, and you can't resume it.

Also, when you resume a paused campaign your campaign might not start running if you've also paused the campaign's ad groups, keywords, or ads. In that case, you'll need to individually resume the paused ad groups, keywords, or ads.




The new Google Ads experience is now the exclusive way for most users to manage their accounts. If you’re still using the previous AdWords experience, choose “previous” below. Learn more

How to pause or enable a campaign

Guided tour: Enable a campaign

Click the "Guide me" button below to go to your account and be guided through each step.

Guide me

  How to pause, resume, or remove an AdWords campaign
  1. Sign in to your AdWords account.
  2. Click Campaigns at the top (next to Home), then click the Campaigns tab. In the status icon column, you'll see an icon indicating the status of each of your campaigns. 
  3. To change a campaign's status, click the dropdown next to the status icon, and then click:
    1. Enabled to resume the campaign.
    2. Paused to place the campaign on hold.
    3. Removed to permanently stop the campaign. Status icon

How to remove or update several campaigns at once

  1. Sign in to your AdWords account.
  2. Click Campaigns at the top (next to Home), and then click the Campaigns tab. Next to each campaign, you'll see an icon indicating the status.
  3. For each campaign that you want to update, select it by checking the box on the far left.
  4. Once you've selected every campaign that you want to update, click Edit, and then click:
    1. Enable to resume the campaign.
    2. Pause to place the campaign on hold.
    3. Remove to permanently stop the campaign.
      Change campaign status

* Nguồn: Google