Create and analyze custom reach overview reports


Learn how to create and analyze custom reach overview reports.

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About custom reach overview reports

The custom reach overview report allows you to analyze more detailed data related to your reach and frequency results. You can use this report to see the deduplicated reach across multiple campaigns.

The custom reach overview report includes the following tabs:

  • Reach Overview: See the number of people your ads have reached across the campaigns you selected. This includes the total reach and frequency, exclusive reach, and percentage of exclusive reach for each campaign.
  • By Device: See the number of people exposed to your ads on each device type. You can also view the exclusive reach of your campaigns or publishers on specific devices. This information will tell you which devices are most effective at reaching your audience.
  • Exclusive when Overlap: See the percentage of each publisher's reach that is exclusive when overlapping with other publishers. Use the legend at the top to adjust the exclusive reach thresholds, which will highlight different cells in your report. This data shows which publishers or campaigns are delivering the most exclusive reach, so that you can adjust your media plan to focus on those sites.
  • Glossary: Provides definitions for the metrics in the report.
  • Report Definition: Shows the campaigns selected for the report.

Reach by device

The by device tab shows the number of people exposed to your ads on each device. Here you can see the de-duplicated reach and frequency across publishers or campaigns on desktop and mobile (includes phone and tablet devices). This information can tell you which devices, mobile or desktop, are most effective at reaching your audience.

Exclusive when overlap

To analyze overlap between publishers, click on the exclusive when overlap tabin your report. You can view which publishers had the most exclusive reach and the most overlap between other publishers or campaigns.

Exclusive reach can help you understand how many people were exclusively exposed to your ads by a single publisher or campaign that weren't reached elsewhere, based in our system's ability to measure people.

In this example, the Vegan Baker has the most exclusive reach (46%) when compared with all other publishers and Cafe Escape has the lowest exclusive reach (35%) when compared with all other publishers. You can also see that Cafe Escape has the lowest amount of exclusive reach when compared to the Vegan Baker (27.3%), and therefore the highest amount of reach overlap. When you hover over this number, a tooltip will appear that reads, "Of the people Cafe Escape reached, 27.3% were exclusive from the people the Vegan Baker reached." Based on this high overlap, you may decide to minimize spend on Cafe Escape since it's reaching the same people as other publishers in your media plan.

Learn more about measurement.

* Nguồn: Facebook