Filter your view of performance data


Filter your account statistics to search for the data that interests you the most, such as keyword text, average cost-per-click (CPC), or impressions.

This article shows you how to create a custom filter and save it for easy access in the future.


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How to create and save a filter

  1. Sign in to your AdWords account.
  2. Click the Campaigns tab.
  3. To see data for a specific period, click the date range menu on the top right corner of the page and select the time period you'd like to analyze.
  4. Click the Filter button above your statistics table on any of the tabs visible from the middle of the page (such as the Ad groups, Ads, or Keywords tabs).
  5. Click Create filter.
  6. Choose the conditions for your filter in the panel that appears. Available options depend on which statistics table you're viewing. A few notes:
    • You can specify multiple restrictions within a single filter. Click Add another to add a restriction. To remove a restriction, click the "X" next to it.
    • To save the filter you've created for later use, select the "Save filter" checkbox. The filter will now be available as a drop-down on the Filter button.
  7. When you're done creating your filter, click Apply. The table automatically updates to show you the data that matches your filter. To return to an unfiltered view of your table, click Clear in the filter panel.
  8. Once your statistics table looks the way you want it to, you can download the data in a report. Just click the download button Download. Create filter

How filters can help you optimize your account

Filters can help you identify problem areas with keywords, ads, or campaign settings that may require action or could be improved.

Here are a few suggested filters you can use to identify specific issues:

  • Keywords that need your attention
    • Low-performing keywords: CTR < X%
    • Keywords that don't appear on the first page on average: Avg position > 8
    • Keywords with potential problems: Status = Not triggering ads: critical issues
  • Ads that are not showing
    • Disapproved ads: Approval Status = Disapproved.
  • Cost-ineffective areas
    • Higher cost and lower-performing keywords: Cost > $X; Conversion rate < X%


* Nguồn: Google