About Dynamic Search Ads

Dynamic Search Ads are the easiest way to find customers searching on Google for precisely what you offer. Ideal for advertisers with a well-developed website or a large inventory, Dynamic Search Ads use your website to target your ads and can help fill in the gaps of your keywords-based campaigns. Without Dynamic Search Ads, even well-managed Google Ads accounts with many keywords can miss relevant searches, experience delays getting ads written for new products, or get out of sync with what's actually available on advertisers’ websites.

This article explains how Dynamic Search Ads work, and how they might benefit you. For instructions, go to Create Dynamic Search Ads.

How they show

When someone searches on Google with terms closely related to the titles and frequently used phrases on your website, Google Ads will use these titles and phrases to select a landing page and generate a clear, relevant headline for your ad. 

Example. You own an international hotel chain. Someone searching on Google for “luxury hotel New York” sees your ad with the headline “Luxury hotel - NYC,” clicks your ad, and then lands on the site of your top New York location.

In this way, Dynamic Search Ads can quickly direct potential customers to what they want on your site.

You are responsible for the final text that appears in your ad, so keep this in mind when choosing your landing pages.

How targeting works

Dynamic Search Ads use content from your website to target your ads to searches. You choose from a variety of targeting options, including: 

Landing pages from your standard ad groups: All webpages that you’re currently running search ads against, across all of your accounts. This targeting option makes it easy to increase traffic on the webpages you’re already using as landing pages in existing ad groups and campaigns.

Categories: Sets of landing pages organized by theme. You decide which sets of pages to target, how to group similar pages, and the level of granularity.

Page feed: Use a spreadsheet of URLs for the most focused targeting. You can then target your entire feed or parts of it. For instance, you can label pages about "products with 4-star reviews" or "hotels with lots of availability” and target URLs with those labels only. 

Learn more about Dynamic Search Ad targeting.

When not to use

With the exception of feed-based targeting that you control, Dynamic Search Ads are not recommended if your website changes rapidly—with, for instance, daily deals. 

Before using Dynamic Search Ads, be sure to review Google Ads policies to make sure your ads comply with them (and any applicable laws). 

Benefits summary

Here are some of the benefits of using Dynamic Search Ads:

  • Save time. No more mapping keywords, bids, and ad text to each product on your website. Plus, Dynamic Search Ads may help you advertise to new markets faster than other alternatives.
  • Frequent, automatic updates to your ads. When you make changes to pages in our index, we'll crawl your website again to help ensure that your ads are as up to date as possible.
  • Show relevant, dynamically generated headlines with your ads. When a customer's search is relevant to your product or service, Google Ads will dynamically generate an ad with a clear headline for the most relevant page on your site.
  • Control your campaign. You can show ads based on your entire website, or specific categories or pages. Or, prevent your ads from showing for products that are temporarily out-of-stock.
  • Capture additional traffic. Dynamic Search Ads can help you gain additional traffic and sales by promoting your business to more customers than you can reach with a keyword-targeted campaign.
  • Control your messaging. The description is a single, long line—giving you more control over the messaging in your ad.
  • Display URLs are based on your final URL domain. You no longer have to enter your display URL when creating a new ad. Instead, Google Ads will use the domain from your final URL and show it as your ad’s display URL. For example, if your ad's final URL is www.example.com/outdoor/hiking/shoes, the URL on your ad will appear as www.example.com.

* Nguồn: Google