Make changes with bulk uploads


Using bulk uploads is an efficient way to make changes to the keywords, ads, ad groups, campaigns and product groups (for Shopping campaigns) in your Google Ads account. This feature saves you time by allowing you to download spreadsheets, make changes offline, and then upload the updated spreadsheet back into your account where your new changes will be applied. This way you can take immediate, bulk action on issues and opportunities you observe in your data. In this article, we’ll explain how to download, edit, and upload a spreadsheet.


Amy is an online retailer who sells sporting equipment. She has thousands of keywords spread across dozens of ad groups. In the past, she used spreadsheets and a proprietary formula to make changes to her bids, which she entered manually into her Google Ads account. With bulk uploads, she can download a spreadsheet of her keywords, change her bids by applying her proprietary formula to the spreadsheet, then upload this same spreadsheet directly into her Google Ads account.

Once Amy uploads the edited spreadsheet, she can preview any changes, get details of possible errors, and apply the changes when she’s ready – all in the same tab. She can even share her preview with colleagues if she wants a second opinion.

Download spreadsheets to edit

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Select All campaigns from the navigation menu.
  3. Select Keywords, Ads, Ad Group, Campaigns, or Product groups (depending on the type of edits you’d like to make).
  4. Click the download icon Download.
  5. Select a format for your spreadsheet.
Try it now

If you download a report, it won't include all of the fields you can edit.

Save your original downloaded spreadsheet

Once a bulk upload is submitted, there is no automated way to cancel or reverse your changes. Therefore, we recommend that you always save a copy of your original downloaded report in case you ever need to see what your settings were before you made changes.

Downloading an editable ad extension template

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Click the tools icon  in the top-right corner of your account.
  3. Under “Bulk actions,” click Uploads.
  4. Click the blue plus icon .
  5. Click View templates.
  6. Download your template as a CSV or Excel spreadsheet.

Edit spreadsheets

General rules for editing spreadsheets

Add keywords, ads, ad groups, campaigns, or product groups

To add a keyword, ad or any other item, create a new row in your downloaded spreadsheet.

Next, enter the values you want for your new item, such as bid, budget or status. If you don't specify a the "status" column of a new item, the item will be enabled by default.  Refer to this list of supported items and corresponding values.


You can’t edit ads in your downloaded spreadsheet. To change an ad, delete it and create a new one in the spreadsheet with the edits you want to make. 

Remove keywords, ads, ad groups, campaigns, or product groups

To remove a keyword, ad or any other item:

  1. In your downloaded spreadsheet, find the row that contains the item.
  2. In the "Status"column for that row, enter Remove.
  3. Upload your spreadsheet.

General rules for editing

  • Don't modify or delete the header row, which contains column names.
  • You don't have to note or signal your changes. When you're finished and you upload your spreadsheet, we'll compare the spreadsheet to your current options to pick out any changes you’ve made. You’ll also have the chance to preview any changes before you make them.
  • Don’t worry about deleting extraneous columns or the total rows.
  • Be sure to save your spreadsheet in one of our supported formats (.xls, .xlsx, .tsv, or .csv).

Tips for editing your keyword spreadsheets

  • Type the keyword in the Keyword column. Use square braces ([ ]) or quotes ("") around the keyword to specify exact or phrase match.
  • Enter the ad group name in the Ad group column.
  • You cannot edit the keyword or match type column for an existing keyword. When you change a keyword or match type, the old keyword is removed and a new one is created. The same is the case with bulk uploads. Therefore, if you want to edit a keyword or match type in an editable report, you will have to remove the current and create a new keyword with your desired changes.

Tips for editing your ads spreadsheets

You cannot edit the text for an existing ad. When you change an ad, the old ad is removed and a new ad is created. The same is the case with bulk uploads. Therefore, if you want to edit an ad offline in a spreadsheet, you have to remove the current ad and create a new ad with your desired changes.

Tips for editing your campaign spreadsheets

Certain columns can’t be edited because they’re only used while creating a campaign. Make sure your spreadsheet includes these required columns, all of which can be edited:

  • Bid strategy type 
  • Budget 
  • Campaign 
  • Campaign ID 
  • Campaign state 
  • Campaign type 

The following columns are optional to include:

  • Ad rotation 
  • Campaign subtype 
  • Tracking template 
  • Start date 
  • End date 
  • Custom parameter 

Tips for editing your ad extension spreadsheet

Add an ad extension

To add a new ad extension:

  • In the “Campaign” column, type the campaign where you want to add your extension.
  • If you want to add the extension to an ad group, then also specify the ad group in the “Ad group” column.
  • To add an app extension, you must specify:

    • Mobile OS: The operating system that your target customers are using. You can enter android or ios.
    • Package name: The unique ID of your app. For Android, the Package Name follows id= in the app’s Google Play URL:

      For iOS apps, enter the App ID, which appears after id in the app’s iTunes URL:

    • App link text: Text that people will click on to get to your app. For example, you could use “Download app.”
    • Final URL: The URL displayed to your customers for your app. For example, this might be the URL of your app in the Google Play store.
  • To add a call extension, you must specify:

    • Phone number: The number that will be called when a customer clicks your extension.
    • Country code: The country where your phone number is listed. For example, if your phone number is in the United States of America, you would put US.
    • Use forwarding number (optional): Whether you want to use a Google forwarding number with your ad. You can enter yes or no. The default is no.
  • To add a review extension, you must specify:

    • Source name: The person or organization that provided the review.
    • Source URL: The URL where the person or organization printed your review.
    • Text: The text of your review.
    • Is exact quote (optional): Whether your text is exactly the words in the review. You can enter yes or no. The default is no.
  • To add a sitelink extension, you must specify:

    • Sitelink text: The text that you want to appear as the clickable link in your sitelink.
    • Final URL: The URL where the link in your sitelink will lead.

    The Description fields are optional, but can make your ad more relevant to potential customers. If you choose to have descriptions, you must use both fields. Your description may be eligible to show below the sitelink.

    Learn more in the Sitelinks with additional detail section.

  • To add callout extensions, you must specify:
    • Callout text: The text you want to appear as your callout
  • To add structured snippet extensions, you must specify:
    • Structured snippet header: Header(s) chosen from this list of predefined headers, capitalizing the first letter of each header. NOTE: Only the headers on our list will be accepted.
    • Structured snippet values: The specific header-related details you’re highlighting.

    Optional specifications for all ad extensions

    In addition to the required columns in each report, you can use bulk uploads to identify device preference, start and end dates for your extension, and scheduling preferences. To specify these options, add a new column to your spreadsheet with the following names and information:

    • Start time: The date you want your extension to start showing. This should should use a mm/dd/yyyy format. For example, July 1, 2014 would be 07/01/2014.
    • End time: The date you want your extension to stop showing. This should should use a mm/dd/yyyy format. For example, July 1, 2014 would be 07/01/2014.
    • Device preference: The devices you want to show your extension on. You can specify all or mobile.
    • Scheduling: The days of the week and times you want your extension to be shown. You must use the format of Day, start time - end time. For example, if you wanted to schedule from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays, you would enter Monday, 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM. If you want to schedule for multiple days, separate your days with a semicolon. For example, you could schedule for both Monday and Tuesday using Monday, 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM; Tuesday, 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM.

    Remove an ad extension

    To remove an ad extension, enter Remove in the Action column of that ad extension’s row. This will remove the extension from the campaign or ad group (though the extension will still exist for use with other campaigns and ad groups). Deleting the row or removing the contents from the row will have no effect.

Tips for editing your product group spreadsheet

For detailed instructions, see information about bulk uploads in Shopping campaigns.

Upload your spreadsheets and apply changes

How to upload through the three-dot menu

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Select All campaigns from the navigation menu. 
  3. Select Keywords, Ads, Ad Group, Campaigns, or Product groups (depending on the type of edits you’d like to make).
  4. Click the three-dot icon 3 dot icon
  5. Click the Upload icon Import.
  6. Choose the spreadsheet you want to upload.
  7. Click Open.
  8. Click Preview if you wish to preview the data before uploading.
  9.  Click Apply.

How to upload in the Bulk operations section

Here's how to upload your spreadsheet:

  1. In your AdWords account, click Bulk operations in the left navigation window.
  2. Select Bulk uploads.
  3. Click Choose file to locate your edited and saved spreadsheet.
  4. Click Upload and preview.
  5. When loaded, a preview of your changes will appear. At this point, you can see what your changes would look like, fix any errors in your spreadsheet then upload again, or ignore the errors and click Apply changes.

View the results of your upload

Once your file is uploaded, you’ll see a new entry for that file at the top of the table in the Bulk operations section. Applied changes will have a Details link where you can view your past changes. For uploaded spreadsheets that you have not applied, you can choose to Preview, Apply, or Remove.

  • If you upload a spreadsheet with more than 1,000 rows and preview it, all of the rows will be uploaded but you’ll only see the first 1,000 rows in the preview. 
  • You can see all of your changes after you apply them by downloading the results.  
  • You can only view details of files uploaded over the past 90 days.
  • Your spreadsheet must be 50MB or less and have 1 million rows or less.
  • Uploads time out after 2 hours. If this happens, you’ll need to try again. However, you don’t need to re-upload the entire spreadsheet—only the parts that weren’t completed.

Bulk create Google Ads accounts from your manager account

You can create multiple Google Ads or AdWords Express accounts from your manager account using bulk upload. Here's a CSV template.

What to do if there are errors

Identifying errors

  1. Locate your spreadsheet in the Bulk operations table.
  2. In the row with your report, click Download > Errors only or click Details to look at the errors within your account.
  3. In the Results column on the spreadsheet you can find the issue with each row, then fix that issue.
  4. Save the file then upload it in the Bulk Operations area.

Fixing errors

Error Solution
There are conflicting changes. Make sure no one else is trying to edit your account and try again.
Items in your file do not meet editorial guidelines. Make sure all the items in your file follow Google Ads Editorial guidelines.
Your file is missing a header row. The first row of an uploaded file must be used for headers.
Note: When you download the file from Google Ads, headers are already present.
Column contains the wrong type of information. Please make sure the information you entered meets the requirements.
This row is missing a value. Please make sure to enter a value for all required column.
Your keywords have characters that are not allowed. Remove any non-standard characters ( ! @ % , *) from your keywords.
One of the IDs does not exists. If you’re adding an element, remove the value from the ID column. If you’re making changes to an element, make sure that the ID is correct and that the entity has not been removed.
If you’re adding an element to an ad group or campaign, please make sure the campaign or ad group has a valid ID.
Upgraded URL is not the same as previous destination URL. The final URL and tracking template should be the same as the destination URL. If you don't want them to be the same, follow the steps outlined in How to upgrade your URLs.
Cannot use both final URL and destination URL. You can not use both a final URL and a destination URL (/SitelinkURL for Sitelinks). Note: Final URL is recommended.
To update your data set or feed, you'll need to include an "Action" column. A column with the header ‘ACTION’ is required for sitelinks and other feeds changes via bulk uploads (possible values are “SET”, “ADD” or “REMOVE”).


* Nguồn: Google