Create targets for Dynamic Search Ads


Increasing your reach without keywords, targeting for Dynamic Search Ads works by matching people’s searches on Google with specific pages on your site. You’re in control of how this targeting works. You can target your ads based on specific categories that reflect the structure of your website, or target all the pages of your website. You can also create additional types of dynamic ad targets or block pages using dynamic ad target exclusions.

Before you begin

The methods described in this article have to do with targeting for Google’s index of your site.

To learn how Dynamic Search Ads work, start with About Dynamic Search Ads. To start creating Dynamic Search Ads, go to Create Dynamic Search Ads

Best practices for targeting

Create dynamic ad targets that are more broadly defined to help increase your incremental traffic. If you create a target with too few indexed landing pages, your ads might not get any incremental traffic.

You can set bid adjustments to increase or decrease your dynamic ad target bids by a percentage. Bid adjustments can give you more control over when and where ads are shown. Learn more About bid adjustments.

Creating exclusions for pages that contain words like  "sold out" or "unavailable” is strongly recommended. This will prevent customers from seeing pages on your website that contain products they won't be able to buy. To learn how, go to Create exclusions and negative targeting for Dynamic Search Ads.

Instructions to create targets

The new Google Ads experience is now the exclusive way for most users to manage their accounts. If you’re still using the previous AdWords experience, choose “previous” below. Learn more

  1. In your AdWords account, go to the Campaigns tab.
  2. Click one of your DSA campaigns.
  3. Select the Auto targets tab.
  4. Click + Dynamic ad target.

* Nguồn: Google