Promote your live stream


Promoting an event can help you attract a larger audience. Here are some quick tips to help you get started.

Before the event

  • Create a channel trailer or teaser video to promote the event.
  • Share your streaming link at least 48 hours before you go live.
  • Connect your social media accounts to your channel for easy sharing.  
  • Create a custom post for your subscribers and social media sites. The message will post, including the event link, when the Public event goes live.
  • In the Stream Now experience, share the persistent link across social media.[channelname]/live
  • Embed the URL on your website and send the links to blogs which may want to display your content.
  • Create a Live Section to display upcoming and live events on your channel.
  • Add an Associated Website. This will help us improve the quality of search results and verify your channel as the official representation of your brand on YouTube.
  • Apply optimization techniques to your channel and videos.

During the event

  • Feature the event for new visitors to your channel.
  • Create highlight clips of the event while it's still live.
  • Note: Subscribers may be notified of your Public events in their homepage feed.
  • Note: Subscribers will see the live stream appear in the What to Watch Next area. 
  • You can also update your channel art to include the event name, date and time.

After the event

  • Post an archive of the live event soon after the completion.
  • Organize the archive and highlight clips into playlists.

* Nguồn: Youtube