Manage Live chat


Live chat basics

Live chat is enabled by default and will appear to the right of the video player when your live stream is active. After your live stream ends, viewers will see a replay of live chat when they watch the stream archive. The Live chat module only exists on the YouTube watch pages — it does not follow embedded players. Watch the .

video demo

Viewers can choose between two views of Live chat at any time.

  • Top chat: This view filters messages such as potential spam to help make chat easier to read and more useful.
  • Live chat: This view is not filtered. It shows all chat messages as they come in.

Note: Chat replay is only available on new live streams. Live streams that are trimmed in video editor will not have Chat replay.

Live chat badges identify the Streamer and Moderator . Click on the expandable area below for more information on moderators.

Viewers are limited to 200 characters and a maximum of 3 submissions every 30 seconds. Event owners are not subject to the frequency threshold. Viewers cannot post special characters, URLs or HTML tags.

To post in live chat, click into where it says “Say Something” and begin typing. Then, click the send icon .

You can review chat activity in YouTube Analytics. The "Comments" metric is for live and on demand.

Manage Live chats

Use the menu to pop out live chat in a new window for easy moderation or see a list of active chat users from the last 5 minutes.

Live chat replay

After a live stream has ended, Live chat replay is available on all stream archives. This replays the chat alongside the stream exactly as it appeared when the stream was live. Live chat replay is enabled by default on all of your live streams.
To disable Live chat replay
  1. Go to
  2. Click or tap Edit > Advanced settings.
  3. Deselect the box next to "Allow Live chat replay."

View your Live chat history

You can view Live chats you’ve participated in during YouTube live streams.
  1. Go to History.
  2. On the right of the page, click Live chat.
  3. To go to the original place you posted your chat message, select the content you want to find.

You will also be able to see your sponsored chats and Super chats where applicable.

Note: The deletion of a Super chat message post-live stream will not result in a refund.

Hold potentially inappropriate live chat messages for review

You can have YouTube hold potentially inappropriate live chat messages. If you choose to opt in, live chat messages that our system identifies will be held for review in the chat feed. You have the final decision whether to show or hide these chat messages. No system is perfect, but this feature can make it easier for you to moderate live chat messages on your live stream.
Enable "hold for review"
  1. Sign in to your YouTube account.
  2. Go to
  3. Under "Messages" in your Live Chat, tick the checkbox for "hold potentially inappropriate chat messages for review."

Once you've enabled "hold for review," you can hide or show messages that YouTube holds.

  • If you select SHOW: chat messages are displayed in the chat stream at the original time they were entered.
  • If you select HIDE: chat messages remain hidden from viewers.
  • If you take no action: chat messages remain hidden from viewers.

Before live chat messages are held for review, you have to enable the feature for your channel.

Disable "hold for review"

  1. Sign in to your YouTube account.
  2. Go to
  3. Under "Messages" in your Live Chat, untick the checkbox for "hold potentially inappropriate chat messages for review."

Moderate Live chat

You can assign moderators for all live chat sessions. Moderators remain on the list until they are unassigned.

We strongly recommend that you have at least one dedicated live chat moderator for high-traffic events. Moderators can interact with the audience and remove comments when appropriate. They can also flag, hide, or put users in time out.

Assign moderators

Select menu next to username in chat and select Set User as Moderator or follow these instructions:

  1. Click the three dots (...) next to the chat text box.
  2. Enter a username.
  3. Set up one list of moderators for your channel. Moderators remain on the list until they are unassigned.

Inline moderation

On desktop, hold down 'ALT' / 'Option' on your keyboard to pause the chat feed and hover over messages. You will see options to delete the message, place the user in time out, and hide the user from the chat message feed or comments section on your channel.

Manage spam messages

Select the checkbox for Automatically block spam messages checkbox. This blocks simple spam such as long messages in all caps or repeated identical messages by the same user.

Block words proactively

  • Compile blocked words in the Community Settings section. Live chats matching these words will be blocked.
  • You can also block links from being used in comments by typing "*links*" into the Blocked words field.

Hide a viewer from live chat

Select menu next to the chat message and select Hide User or follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the viewer's YouTube channel.
  2. Click the About tab.
  3. Click on the flag and select Hide.

Note: This will also hide the user from the comments. Users you have hidden will be visible in Hidden Users in Community Settings.

Unhide a viewer from live chat

To remove hide status:

  1. Go to the viewer's YouTube channel.
  2. Click the About tab.
  3. Click on the flag and select Unhide.

Note: Once a user's hide status has been removed, they will once again be able to leave comments and live chat messages on your channel.

Respond to someone in the chat feed

You can respond to someone in the chat feed by mentioning their username. 
  1. Type “@”.
  2. Begin typing their username.
  3. Select the username. 

The chatter will see their username highlighted in orange, which is visible only to the chatter whom you’ve mentioned. This makes it easier for them to see your response in the chat feed. 

Embed Live chat

During a live stream, you can embed live chat on your own side by using an iframe.

  1. Get the video ID for the live stream. You can get the video ID from the watch page URL ( In this case, the video ID is ‘12345’.
    • If you chose "Stream now," right-click on the player and select Copy video URL to get the video URL.
  2. Get the domain URL for the site you want to embed chat on. If you're embedding chat on, your embedding domain is ""
  3. Combine the embedded URL in the following way:
  4. This is the URL for your iframe. Note the embed_domain must match the the URL of the page you’re embedding the chat on. If they are different, the embedded chat will not load.

Delete Live chats

  1. Go to History.
  2. At the top of the page, click Live chat.
  3. Go to the post you are looking to delete (Chats are in reverse chronological order.)
  4. Hover over the post and click Delete.
Note: Based on user reports, YouTube may disable Live chat on your video if the content of your stream or Live chat is found to be violating our Community Guidelines.

Disable Live chat

You can disable Live chat at any time, even after the event has started.

  • Stream Now: Select the gear icon and uncheck the Enable live chat box.
  • Events: Go ;to Edit > Basic Info > Advanced Settings. Under "Chat," uncheck the Enable live chat box.

See post-event comments

Live chat is no longer available after an event has ended. Post-live comments appear below the player after the stream ends.

Slow mode

Slow mode allows you to limit how frequently each user can comment by setting a time limit between comments. The channel owner, moderators, and YouTube channel members are not affected by the limit.
Enable with Stream now
  1. Go to your live dashboard
  2. Within the chat module, click on Settings .
  3. Select Enable slow mode and enter how many seconds each user must wait between posts. The minimum is 1 second, the maximum is 300 seconds.

Enable with Events

  1. Go to
  2. On the event you wish to edit, select Edit > Info and Settings > Advanced settings > Chat
  3. Select Enable slow mode and enter how many seconds each user must wait between posts. The minimum is 1 second, the maximum is 300 seconds.
  4. Select Save changes

Disable Slow mode

Deselect Enable slow mode.

You can also make your live stream more engaging and interactive with 3rd party tools and services that are available for YouTube Live and YouTube Gaming.

* Nguồn: Youtube