Recommended daily budget: Definition


An estimated amount for your daily budget that would likely allow your ads to appear more often for your current set of keywords.

  • Your recommended daily budget is the estimated lowest budget amount at which you wouldn’t lose any impressions due to budget constraints. For example, your recent lost impression share (IS) due to budget would be zero. In some circumstances where this budget amount would be significantly high, we might recommend a more conservative budget to avoid an unexpectedly high increase in spend.
  • If you choose an average daily budget that's lower than the recommended amount, your ads can still show, but they won't show for every search. Instead, we'll spread the delivery of your ad throughout the day so that you don't exceed your budget by more than 2 times. Learn Why costs might exceed your daily average budget.
  • If your budget is limiting your campaign's traffic, you'll be able to see recommended budget amounts.

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* Nguồn: Google