About remarketing to YouTube viewers


You can show personalized ads to millions of viewers across YouTube and video partner sites, based on their past interactions with your videos or YouTube channel. This is known as “video remarketing.” By reinforcing your message with people who have already seen your videos or channel, you’re more likely to succeed in increasing your return on investment.

Note: Starting in September 2018, YouTube channel ad views will no longer be collected for remarketing on the Google Display Network, including Google video partners.


  • Improved ROI: Advertisers who use remarketing on YouTube have improved their return on investment (ROI) by showing video ads to people interested in their product or service.
  • Broader scope: With YouTube's vast network, your video ad can reach potential customers on your remarketing list.
  • Efficient pricing: The Google Ads auction model offers competitive rates that meet your target ROI. With CPV bidding, you'll pay for video views and other video interactions, such as clicks on the call-to-action overlays (CTAs), cards, and companion banners.
  • Flexibility: Website remarketing (also known as "remessaging" or "retargeting") is based on visitors' actions on a website. You can remarket based on actions specific to your YouTube videos, including when viewers like, dislike, comment on, and share your video.

How it works

Remarketing lists are created by first linking your YouTube channel to your Google Ads account. Once you link accounts, you can create remarketing lists that reach people who have done the following YouTube-related actions:

  • Viewed any video from a channel
  • Viewed certain videos
  • Viewed any video (as an ad) from a channel
  • Viewed certain videos (as ads)
  • Subscribed to a channel
  • Visited a channel page
  • Liked any video from a channel
  • Added any video from a channel to a playlist
  • Commented on any video from a channel
  • Shared any video from a channel

You can then use these lists in your targeting settings for new or existing campaigns. Manage your lists any time by selecting the “Shared library.” Then select Audiences (in the previous ads experience) or Audience manager (in the new Google Ads experience).

Note: Remarketing lists cannot be created from views of bumper ads

List sizes

For "Initial list size," you can either pull list members from the last 30 days of activity on your channel, or start fresh.


  • If you have multiple YouTube channels, you can link more than one YouTube channel to your Google Ads account. While you can create several lists per channel, you can't use the same list on multiple channels.

Best practices

Make the most of your video remarketing lists by exploring these features:

  • Various ad formats: Build and target your remarketing campaign with video ads and other creative formats (text, image, and rich media ads on the Google Display Network).
  • Engage mobile customers:  Use square and vertical videos to engage mobile customers on the YouTube app. Learn more
  • Detailed reports: Optimize your remarketing campaign based on performance metrics. For example, raise bids on specific topics or channels that generate the greatest ad response.
  • Ease of use: Easily create, manage, and target your remarketing lists.
  • Custom audiences: Customize your targeting by combining your remarketing lists. For example, you can reach audiences who viewed your movie trailer but haven’t yet viewed your ad promoting the DVD release.

* Nguồn: Google